Could this be made into a film?

Could this be made into a film?
Or is cyberpunk dead?
Who would you cast as Hiro and Y.T.?

Attached: Snow Crash.jpg (334x500, 43.39K)

You read any other Neal Stephenson?
Nobody gonna respond to this thread, these people don't watch films let alone read.

only if the underaged sex scene gets filmed, dentata and all

Yeah I have read Neonomicon and Diamond Age
I got the feeling reading it that its not in a future but rather an alternate 1992
And so if that is indeed the case then that would mean that Raven being born in 1972 would be only 20 years old
So 15 and 20... eh?

You should read Reamde, the Barouqe cycle and Fall: or dodge in hell.
In whatever order it don't matter

fuck off already

I'm sorry would you prefer a cunny, khazar, or feet thread instead?

one cunny thread, please

funny you didn't mention asian spam because you're a weeb faggot

Hiro most honorable, he wield thousand fold katana

this book drops off so fucking hard once he gives up and just starts copy and pasting from wikipedia info dumping

atleast its cunny pilled

yes and the commonly repeated thing about him being completely incapable of ending stories is correct

Kinda, since we're living in one version of it.
Dunno. I do know Hollywood would almost certainly fuck it up.

>Snow Crash
>Publication date: June 1992
>On January 15, 2001, Wikipedia was launched as a feature of

he's still right, figuratively speaking

Is he the Danny Boyle of writers?

Name the books you read and explain why the ending was bad

Would have been a great 90s movie but it'd be godawful if made today. Zendaya cast as YT, guaranteed.

Ok so he copy pasted from an actual encylopedia.

Hiro is the one that is black

No do Neuromancer instead it's way better.

we need more movies featuring amphetamine use

Could the black guy from Severance play Hiro? Jeffrey Wright is too old.

If it was made right now, one of the corporations investing in THE METAVERSE would shoehorn in some advertising for their amazing virtual realm and all the fantastic digital goods you can purchase inside of it

Okay who would you cast as Molly

Attached: tumblr_npb2ceRCOj1syrjl3o4_1280.jpg (1280x1083, 218.09K)

now him but snow crash and cryptonomicon but have super anticlimactic endings

snowcrash doesn't have a twist, and the action is nothing near to a climax

cryptonomicon does climax imo with the MacArthur cameos and shaftoes end. but there's no real pay off with the gold or anything at all

Classical cyberpunk is dead. Technology advanced beyond what they thought was capable in most instances.

Shadowrun is still great though.

>but there's no real pay off with the gold or anything at all

the holocaust survival kit thing is super uninspired, the implications of the data heaven are not explored at all, and the gold doesn't pay off in the slightest

I enjoyed the book, but that would not make a good movie ending at all

For me, it's Cryptonomicon

Diamond Age is better and extremely redpilled on the insectoid, borderline alien mindset of the Ch*nese. The Constable was my favorite character. Living in a comfy neo-Victorian enclave with his corgis and occasionally donning power armor to go slaughter people for Her Majesty sounds like a pretty based life.

its not about the technology

>I got the feeling reading it that its not in a future but rather an alternate 1992
Indeed. It's more fantasy than sci-fi/cyberpunk, it tries so bad to be Neuromancer. I and midway trought and not feeling that is a good book, can't understand the whole hype.

Wow women do post on this board

he ended the baroque cycle just fine

but sadly that appears to have been a one time thing.
fucking neal.

still, his stuff is great, highly recommended

you WILL stop posting your captchas

>it tries so bad to be Neuromancer.
the burbclave stuff is pretty unique and not like neuromancer at all. a pretty good commentary on its own. not to mention there's no space stuff and the world is obnoxiously bright and poppy vs dark dank sewer that is the sprawl in neuromancer

Fundamentally unfilmable. It would be ruinous to try. Any Forums would trash it simply because Hiro is a hapa, nevermind the very based multicultural and boundary breaking narrative and characters (hurrdurr Uncle enzo is mafia but not eyetalian! YTs sexuality, etc). Too hard to capture the humour and irony. Plus the last 1/3 is way too dense on virality and religion and ur-languages; it brings the whole novel together but is too much exposition and explanation for film. The screenplay would just end up as a bad cyberpunk action film, like Keanu’s Johnny Mnemonic but without the endearing craziness.