Ex-Marvel directors using Star Wars to shit on Feige

>ex-Marvel directors using Star Wars to shit on Feige

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looks like shit to me


>Skeleton Crew
Yeah, that's an apt name for the current state of Lucasfilm right now.

This show is basically stranger things in space

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Sounds like the DnD cartoon.

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>John watts
why does that trick keep getting franchises?


I wonder if they regret nuking all the kino from the EU. Imagine what could have been instead of these retarded disney shows. Imagine Shadows of the Empire as a film or series.

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this is so dumb

I'd much rather they shit on their own material than bring anything good from the old EU and shit on it.

...so, it's like the plot of Star Trek Prodigy, sort of.
How creatively inept are these fuckers?

Or the 40k comic with the pacifist little kid

Goddamn shadows could have been kino

All this shit somehow comes off even more pathetic than the sequels, how do they manage?

>How creatively inept are these fuckers?
On a scale of 1 to 10, the scale only has numbers because everyone else is doing it. That's my boomer dad joke for the week. Thank you.

>How creatively inept are these fuckers?
this actually sounds like an order. like someone said they need to bring in younger kids, or they wanted something they could drop straight into a theme park

>we're reduced to adapting the average Star Wars fanfic from 1998
this franchise is in ruins

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So how long until Star Trek counters this trend and makes Ensign Mary Sue an actual a character?

kek some suits at Paramount are seething over their clone wars clone being cloned.

>set after Return of the Jedi
Imagine fucking up your sequel trilogy so hard that all future Star Wars content needs to be set in the window between RotJ and TFA because the rest is completely unmarketable