What mistakes do idiot native speakers make in your language?

What mistakes do idiot native speakers make in your language?

Like Brits mixing up your/you're etc.

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Germans get the grammatical gender of nouns wrong all the time

French ppl make so many mistakes, but the most commons are :

Attached: t-on-n.jpg (645x744, 32.27K)

Mixing up "als" and "wie" ("than" and "as").

Hay VS ahi


Attached: homonyme-homophone-grammaticaux-ces-ses-c-est-s-est.jpg (400x461, 23.21K)

can't believe that
would expect you to say that some people write das instead of dass tho

Using words in wrong meaning
In writing, writing compound words as two separate words
Hypercorrectly using plural verb for semantically plural subject
There are some things that are wrong in standard Finnish but normal in dialects like "double passive" so I dont consider them wrong in speech

mixing up de and dem cuz they're homophonic
mixing up att and och and å cuz they're homophonic

>In writing, writing compound words as two separate words
this too
fucking hate that so much
on packaging you will even see the wrong form used for the split compound
like äppeljuice will be "äpple juice"
fucking how do these people have the IQ to even breathe?

Really? Like every rare words or not

Mixing up hay (there is), ahí (there) and ay (ow)

Idiots say "Thaimaaseen" (into Thailand) though the correct is Thaimaahan. It should be obvious because maa (land) declines maahan (into land) but they dont realise it is "land".
It is very much hated mistake here too.

Seit nicht so streng

How the fuck
Tell me that's at least for rare cases like genitive.

This is only when I write/type, but I often write "the" instead of "they".

- using von/sein(e) + dative instead of genitive

-Using 'zumindestens' which is a wrong fusion of 'mindestens' (minimum) and 'zumindest' (at least).

- the 'onliest' (einzigste), correct 'einzige' because 'only' doesn't have a superlative.

-Mixing up anscheinend (apparently) with scheinbar (allegedly)

English proficiency fucks up a lot.
For example, English words borrowed into German get inflected with -ed or -ies when -t or -ys would be correct. Or Saxon genitive 's. Or retard spacing.

дeгeнepaты eбyчиe блять.

No they don't, only immigrants do

das/dass is apparently challenging to some people, both translate to "that" in english, but the grammatical difference is still there: one you can replace with "which", the other you cant

In addition to all the well-known spelling errors:
>mixing up the past tense and the past participle ("I seen it," "I would have went")
>saying "whenever" instead of "when," even if it refers to a single event
>using objects pronouns instead of subject pronouns (but this is so common that it's almost standard now)
>using subject pronouns instead of object pronouns as a hypercorrection of the previous thing ("between you and I")
>double negatives
>total loss of subjunctive ("if I was you")