Did you ever do something scandalous at school in your country?

did you ever do something scandalous at school in your country?

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no, i was a good boy

didn't properly check out a book from the library once. Then the whole class was forced to attend some retarded seminar about library etiquette because others had done it before. They treated me worse than two kids who literally set the school on fire in later years

I once was really really horny so I masturbated in class. One bully saw me and for rest of my time in school retards called me 'runkkumulkku' (wank dick). Fuck them.

>'runkkumulkku' (wank dick)

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not having gf

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i throw my friend backpack in females toilette
i jacked off to some french teacher too

Yes, I pooped in girl's poopenfarten once. It looked like this. Thank God nobody entered and see me there. Imagine what could've been if some girl from elementary school came in and saw me there.

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Pooped out of the bowel. There are Africans in my university and they always take a shit in the toilets. For them it's luxury but for everyone else public bathrooms are disgusting so i shat seating with my foot on the bowel but i missed the hole. There were a lot of people but most of them went to have lunch so no one saw me. It's not the first time to see a turd out of the bowel so everyone does that. Now when i have to go to take a shit i go to the teachers' bathrooms.
Once it was early in the morning and i shat a smelly turd and there were some exams in some teacher room and a girl was waiting to enter the toilet. She probably had to take a shit as well because there were more toilets there and this one was the spacious one with a bidet. It was funny because she kept nocking on the door but i took my time and she kept waiting for almost 10 minutes.

Haha. We have a guy who masturbated too. He also smoked in classroom when the teacher was not in there. Nobody bullied him for some reason.

My friend brought a starter pistol (it looked just like the real one) to school in 2013 and when the lessons started we fired it in the corridor for lulz. We just told everyone that we dropped a backpack and everyone believed us.

Yes I set the fire alarm off and got excluded for it

Stole a textbook from a classmate
I had my own, I just did it for the fuck of it
I was autistic and 10 BTW

Me and my friends peed in a bottle and offered for people to drink, saying it was soda. No one did but we still got in trouble after someone complained to the teacher.
I was like 8 or 9.

idk. I brought my shotgun to school (was on the trap shooting team). left it in the technology teacher's classroom since he was the trap coach. this was from 2016-2017 so kind of before the nation wide school shooting craze post-parkland.

brought my compound bow to school too for gym class in middle school. my gym teacher let people who had bows bring them in so I did.

got in trouble for shooting spit balls at a teacher.

got in trouble for having a spit ball fight in the hallway

got in trouble for shooting paper bullets with a rubber band at my friends

got in trouble for "making fun" of a disabled girl in class; wasn't actually making fun of her, was just trying to be funny to make her laugh. my teacher thought I was making fun of her and scheduled a meeting with my parents including all of my other teachers at the time. that teacher was a bitch.

alri wank dick

quintessential day in italy

Back when Slenderman and creepypasta bullshit was popular I convinced a group of dumb kids that Slenderman lived in the woods beind out school and that he would get them
(I told them this so they would stay away from where my friends hung out and played card games)
Well, the very next week, they had to tell the kids that shit wasn't real because of the stabbing that happened
Not exactly scandalous but it's still funny to me

Yes I spat on school principal's tea.

oh and in 5th grade I organized a meeting at the jungle gym on the playground to discuss with my class how we were going to survive the coming 2012 apocalypse and the end of the mayan calendar. I had watched a movie with my dad about nostradamus and was googling shit about 2012 on the computers in my classroom. I then started going around the class warning people about 2012 and that lead to me doing the meeting at the jungle gym. was kind of a triumphant moment for me since I was generally very shy and reserved. it was my first time public speaking really. good times.

thrown a big stone in others kid head and he fainted but was ok after all