Honest Opinion?

You don't actually hate us right?

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Stop attention seeking & do something productive in that time, Faggot

No, but you should stop cucking yourself with English.
Save your Indian languages before they all become marginalized by English.

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I love India. They are our Aryan brothers, I hope they continue to Hinduize european culture

I hate you so fucking much it's unreal

Now comes you guys never smile every time I watch videos about Indian street food

Indians are poor but have arranged marriage.
Romanians are poor but no arranged marriage :(


Imagine your wife's family literally PAYING you to fuck her

i do and i hope it hurts you feelings, like really hurts

Then chose the official national language Mr.Enlightented genius, India already have kashmir, Maoist & NE insurgency who tf wants Abos blowing themselves in middle of a Bihari market?

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We should still promote our regional languages. National lingua franca can be english

I could be fucking my wife's brown pussy but instead I am rotting in this shithole all by myself

I don't hate India but I strongly dislike its negative role in meddling with political affairs in South Asia, keeping the population of Kashmir hostage so Hindu nationalist politicians could gain some more points and generally forcing the nearby countries to take part in the arms race. I wish India was more like what Brazil is to Latin America, just a cool big buddy everyone likes.

That's just maintaining the statue quo parents still gonna send them children to English medium schools as leaning English in long term is far more beneficial for study/job sector, t. Lives in Rural area there's an English medium private school 2 minutes walk from where I am posting, pic not directly related

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I actually hate you

Shut up pussy, Islam is literally an imperial and colonizing force there.

It's paki Diaspora who almost got killed in way of molesting a polish child, we call him Uber paki. Ignore him

Education until about 10 should be in the mother tongue with English as the second language but not medium of education. The type of language education we have today only produces call center employees


t. tiny dick incel nip who will never breed