Has The Simpsons always spoke truth to power?

Has The Simpsons always spoke truth to power?

Attached: powerful.png (1228x810, 892.19K)

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I don't get it. What was the castle formerly? The sign doesn't say.

I didn't ask you at all.

Simpsons never did political commentary well really, the justification of their existence to be le anti establishment was always kinda cringe and was passé by the mid 90s anyways. That being said, peak Simpsons was good because it had god tier writers and clever jokes not because of the social commentary.

And the democrats were incompetent and didn’t even have an office

You posted a Simpsons image of a building with a sign. What is the joke if not what the building formerly was?

formerly sneed's seed and feed

Attached: sneedzone.png (872x1036, 44.22K)

>show is about stuff like family, love and caring for each other
>wtf why are they hating the GOP

those are literally all conservative values though?

Wait until they hear about the phony baloney virus

Conservative values are spewing anger provoking bullshit to get people to vote for them based on empty words and suckling up to the teat of their corporate masters more than the other pro-corporate party.

Attached: 1571628610492.png (418x404, 174.97K)

Conservative values are a strong nationalist country with closed borders that don’t depress wages, leftists keeping their progressivist religion out of the classroom, and against the infantilization of women to be responsible for who they fuck. Glad I could help, see you tomorrow as you get me my coffee.

Thanks, I'll be fucking your wife and forcing you to raise my child.

And with that post you just proved exactly why leftists like you are directly opposed to "family, love and caring for each other"


The Republican party sucks. The joke would've worked better if it was a vasectomy club.

i dunno...i lost interest right around seasons 9-10

>back when they used to take shots at both

Attached: 1_LwSehH-4iiaMbAVCoh4aeA.jpg (980x471, 137.11K)

Wow, new Simpsons seasons got so woke. They were always redpilled, based and rightwing during the golden age. Guaranteed screenshot from season 20 onward.

>Be American
>Know that both parties only serve the olgicarchs
>Still act like one is good and the other is evil
Why are you all so incredibly dumb?

Formerly Democratic party

Why do you pretend that only america does this?