I'm getting tired of guys sending me dick pics or just saying "hey" in messages...

i'm getting tired of guys sending me dick pics or just saying "hey" in messages. please just be interesting and good looking

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You're not cute

I think its great. I barely put in effort and am better than a huge portion of the competition.

i just want to be held
idc boy or girl

you're probably as boring as them if you can't make them say more than "hey".



>please just be interesting
I am interesting around my friends with whom I share interests. You are probably a boring entitled whore who needs a man to entertain her constantly.

fak you

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I think OP is a guy. This is a gayposting thread

>please just be interesting and good looking

But this is the point.

'Hey' is the most neutral way to greed someone, maybe a bit short but it's a good shit test in the sense that it gauges the interest of the other person. If there is a reply then this indicates high interest usually.

date someone who have close interest with you. He can write any funny bio and have cute picture but this won't create a bond. There's nothing wrong with you making a first step. When I dm people on dating app as a male, if I have access to any form of searching mechanism I just write any movie/book I recently took and search anyone who did the same and my first instinct is to talk about it. I accept that half of the population is introvert and more than half is shy. I think it gives enough of comfort to people to be themselves because I'm not just a picture with a funny bio.


I think you are interesting :)

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I find most to be boring and I can't connect with normalfags.

"please just be interesting"
I have literally met 3 women that I thought were interesting in my whole life, and I only dated one of them. Have some self awareness woman.

stop being a boring bitch then

Women literally get free attention from men 24/7 and have the audacity to complain about it.
You have no clue how good you have it

this is reverse psychology and op wants people to send dickpics

i'm not even a woman by the way. i don't know why you guys keep acting like i am one

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incel robots

Guys get attention too and it can be qiuet uncomfy because its usually the annoying pushy people that give it.