Bolsonaro's economic team created pix (a state owned system that does baniking transactions 24/7 via mobile)

>bolsonaro's economic team created pix (a state owned system that does baniking transactions 24/7 via mobile)
>bankers lose a huge part of their profit
>bankers are mad at him and are supporting Lula.

Attached: 1024px-2020-03-24-pronunciamento-do-presidente-da-republica-jair-bolsonaro-em-rede-nacional-de-radio-e-televisao---49695919452.jpg (1024x683, 94.74K)

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>>bolsonaro's economic team created pix (a state owned system that does baniking transactions 24/7 via mobile)
It was actually the central bank which had nothing to do with Bolsonaro

central bank president is nominated by whom retard?
who sanctions all of this shit?
dense mf

>central bank president is nominated by whom retard?
Meaningless. The president has no say in what happens in the central bank, and the people that started the PIX project were already there during Temer's rule
>who sanctions all of this shit?
Campos Neto. Never heard about the Central Banks autonomy?

God you're obtuse.

That sounds similar to our UPI. Did you guys not maintain MDR at 0 while compensating the banks directly?

Nope, bitch, everything regarding federal politics has to be sanctioned by him.
Plus, ofc the president has says in the central bank, since he is the one who nominates their president and can kick him out whenever he wants.
Now kys.

>bolsonaro's economic team created pix (a state owned system that does baniking transactions 24/7 via mobile)
Temer's economic team did
>bankers lose a huge part of their profit
They haven't lost a single real with that
>bankers are mad at him and are supporting Lula.
They couldn't care less if either one wins

Bolsonaro tem fimose.

Nunca entendi essa falta de respeito com os proprios eleitores, pra que mentir descaradamente? Sua opiniao sobre o channer medio eh tao baixa assim que nao consegue ter uma conversa?

The central bank is politically independent from the federal government.

Bolsonaro has nothing to do with this.

Also Lvla is not going to fucking privatize state assets, lmao.

>everything regarding federal politics has to be sanctioned by him
Not in relation of the Central Bank. God, go educate yourself your uneducated moron.
>since he is the one who nominates their president and can kick him out whenever he wants.
He can nominate him but he cannot fire him.

>team created pix
This shit is the best thing ever btw.

Attached: 1636391570513.png (496x379, 179.92K)


Bolsonaro governa só para aqueles caras que ficam no cercadinho.
Por isso ele mente descaradamente.

Amazing. Marginally improving payment will surely be decisive in the next election and make people forget that he was a horrible president that is responsible for half a million dead Brazilian citizens and the worst economic crisis since the restoration of democracy.

No, you're ignorant.
You don't know how our monetary policy is conducted. You should just shut up, you're just making a fool of yourself

except the faked that the president is the one that nominates the man in charge, retarded fucker.

Wow, it's almost like the private sector is fucking horrible and stifles innovation, especially if it comes to infrastructure with public utility. Someone nationalize the energy sector next please!

Bankers want him to cut pix of, or give em more subsidies

The private energy industry also wants them so privatize PetroBras and the private manufacturing industry wants them to privatize Embraer. Welcome to baby's first capitlism.

No, retard. Central Bank only became autonomous AFTER pix creation.

state owned bank is usually a bad idea because of manipulation

Right-winger are brainwashed into believing all politics run on resentment on spite and that Lvla will abolish the few good things that happened under Bolsonaro but this will never fucking happen because Lula's politics is not defined by 'owning the leftists and making them mad' like theirs.

This is why Americans still pay via check and can't do a simple direct debit transfer between two bank accounts without high fees.

>Since February 24, 2021 it is independent from Federal Government.[6]
>before that, the central bank was literally subject to guedes economic ministery
Bolsonaro created PIX BITCH
everytime you send a PIX, you should thank him.

CB wasnt autonomous when pix was created retarded bitch