How do you call this in your language?

hope it gets added to cs:go

Attached: 1659049208414897.jpg (750x750, 49.03K)

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boxcutter, it cuts boxes

A boxcutter

olfa nož


People from Liverpool tape 2 together so when they slash you the wounds can't be stitched up

at least they don't cut your balls


boxcutter or exacto-knife

Nozh dlya rezki bumagi

wallpaper knife
idk why

why would that prevent it?

2 close parallel cuts

Japanese knife

What about кaнцeляpcкий нoж? I've used this word in real life and all Russians understood.

I'm assuming it's not the same everywhere
I call that Estilete

Also possible I think. My version is more broad because there are other types of this knife but yours means just that particular type

Why do people keep posting wallpaper knives today

This one? So is more correct?

Attached: mattoveitsi_meatlliohjurillaa.jpg (1200x900, 41.34K)

cutter knife

You can't stich two parallel wounds close together as you'd have to open one of them to close the other.
You can also use a twisted blade to create an unstitchable wound, like that jagerknife.

that sounds really spiteful. I don't get why you would think about what happens to the person after they get away

Nah, I'm phone posting but no, I meant these 2
It's basically all the same but their official name is нoж для peзки бyмaги first and only then (бoльшoй/мaлeнький/oбычный) кaнцeляpcкий нoж

breaking knife

Stanley knife or boxcutter. I think boxcutter might be more of an Americanisation thing.

it comes from football hooliganism

Fine, thanks. I'll use that term next time.

We also call it a Stanley knife where I come from. :)

Well it military terms, the jagerknife (I might be getting it's name wrong) is designed to inflict an almost certain casualty. You would use it say in a situation where you could only stab a target once but you had to be sure he would die.
So it's brutal twisted blade is necessary.

However, scousers are pretty much pure scum. They copied the Italian and Greek football hooligans in using knifes because they can't win a fist fight. But unlike the Italians and Greeks who only stab to wound or humilate, scousers are vile cunts who get off at killing.
The murder of Jamie Bulger in Liverpool says it all. The police and people openly admit it could have been anyone from the area. Scousers are a cursed people.