I will NOT save-up for the mahr

I will NOT save-up for the mahr.
I will NOT pay 10k's in gifts and party costs.
I will NOT get myself in life-long debt to buy a family house.
I will NOT become somebody else's bank account.
I will NOT waste my life away for dull sex and some annoying little kids.
I will NOT get divorce-raped.

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what kinda monkey language is this

I thought Mohammed banned the excessive dowry shit...

The text in your pic seems to be written in english but I don't understand it.

arab custom is for grooms to give their new bride money/gifts so her family can take them and “ensure” that she will be looked after.

Women don't deserve rights

Isn't the woman's father supposed to pay money to them?

got it, champ

Attached: hank_V.jpg (680x854, 70.4K)

Baba = dad
Mahr = dowry paid by Muslim grooms to their brides
Maher = her father's name

No, that's Indian Hindus, they don't suffer. Muslims do the exact opposite.


Lmao wtf. Also love that guy with the red moustache who's trying to slip in for free because they're friends.

>Bartering for a women
Honestly kinda cringe behavior.

>No, that's Indian Hindus, they don't suffer
That's also been the tradition in Christianity.

>I divorce you
>I divorce you
>I divorce you

>now pay me upfront Habibi

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Not Christian but Roman. Romans said Germanics did the opposite of them as well (which is the same as Arabs).

What the fuck. Is this the 1700s?

Actually modern Saudi Arabia is rapidly approaching the late 1950's, socially.

China has dowries too retard and it's from husband to wife (her family).

Dowry is early modern at latest. Maybe 19th century if you stretch it.
lmao using China as an example to emulate. Another backwards dump.

Kek. I don't know if this was intended as a joke but I found it funny anyway.

>divorce rape
>Saudi Arabia
How do you have laws that allow women to get a one-sided divorce so easily in a Muslim country?

>Maher i'm your friend
Poor bastard. It never even began

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Exactly my thoughts, I thought that divorce rapes were a western problem