Europeans don't eat leftovers because they're afraid that "bad humors" in old food will make them sick

Europeans don't eat leftovers because they're afraid that "bad humors" in old food will make them sick.

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Who told you that

They think the Germans tainted their food?

Delete this post. You've ruined my thread.

I don't get it

When does food become "leftovers"?
Does it have to have been on your plate or does only having one slice of pie make the rest of the pie "leftovers"?

I laughed

lol good one

I get it now. Burgers, I kneel


>euros don't even understand the concept of leftovers

Euros have smaller portion sizes

Explain it pls

Heartily chuckled

In wealthy countries, the citizens often prepare more food than they need for a single meal. The remains of the meal are consumed later and are termed "leftovers" because you're eating what's "left over" from a previous meal.

Thirdie mentality desu

Why don't you just cook what you need for the day? Doesn't it taste better when it's cooked fresh?

Some things taste better when it sits for a day or more. Soups and stews come to mind but theirs other types of food too.

Like half of my meals are leftovers from my previous dinner

But soups and stews are for poor people

I use a digital scale to measure things. It's not rocket surgery

If you purposely made more than you needed, why is it "leftovers" and not just extra portions?

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Leftovers is extra portions.


I nose exhaled, good post

food is food, firsties are stupid

I prefer eating pasta I cooked 10 minutes ago. It's not really as good after a day in the fridge