How legit are exorcism movies? Does this shit really exist?

How legit are exorcism movies? Does this shit really exist?

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No, they're just people who forgot to take their meds.

No but there are definitely people that pretend like it does. I'm sure some of them know it's bullshit but they either get money or attention for it so they don't care, and other people are just naive enough to buy into it. I'm hesitant to say dumb because you can be brainwashed into it under the right circumstances even if you're intelligent.

The only namefag worthy of respect

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Don’t care. It was boring.

I rarely get an opportunity to tell this story so here goes
I was "exorcised" once. They or at least these particular people worded it as a "deliverance" from "evil spirits" so the e-word wasn't used, I assume because it made people think twice.
I didn't really believe in any of the bullshit but I was put in a position of "do what these people want or go homeless" and I was young like 22. In hindsight I should have just gone homeless.
So I listen to these people over the course of a few weeks and they tell me about how this thing is the spirit of that thing, like my cigarette addiction is actually this one spirit attacking me. Oh and they thought some people could see these spirits and point them out. A "team" of people. Grown ass fucking men, lot larger than a little 22 year old swimmer. Anyway during one of these "informative meetings" they got up, surrounded me and physically stopped me from leaving, held me on the floor for four hours then patted themselves on the back because me screaming I want to fucking leave don't touch me let me go was just the demons speaking, and said demons only left when I was too exhausted to fight back anymore.
Shit's fucked, and they're still doing it to people.
embassyofheavenct dot com
fucking cunt pays for her facelifts in exorcisms I'm not even kidding



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Dude...christians are the only ones that actually believe in a devil or satan. People that don't believe in god just don't believe in any of it. All that bullshit is a part of your bullshit religion

Nice try Satan

The fuck nigger, do we not green text our stories anymore? Keep this shit on reddit

>Does this shit really exist?
Yes. You're possessed right now.

Yeah it exists I'm pretty sure I have it on bluray.

There are some exorcisms priests aren't allowed to even talk about. That shit goes straight to the Vatican's vaults.

It's obviously bullshit. Most Catholics don't even believe in possessions or exorcisms, and exorcisms were exceedingly rare before the Exorcist was released. I can't speak for other exorcism movies, but in the Exorcist (specifically the book) pretty much everything that Regan does while bizarre is explainable by medicine and psychology. It seems obvious that the "demon" possessing Regan is taunting Karras by making sure that all of Regan's actions (at least those that are seen by others) are somehow explainable without religion or the supernatural, but it's still possible that there is no possession at all. So you could say that the Exorcist book is possible however unlikely. In the movie though there's very little doubt that it's really a possession though.

>t. zoomer
nobody cares, go back to watching capeshit then

>Bro your head doing a 360, little teenage girl speaking ancient dead languages, levitating and telekinetic powers are all easily explained by medical conditions
I hecking love science!

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>head doing a 360, little teenage girl speaking ancient dead languages, levitating and telekinetic powers

watch the movie

>t. retard who can't read
In the book, the first time when Regan turns her head backwards, it is from the perspective of Chris who had just been hit in the head as she passes out which makes her account unreliable. It also never says she turns her head 360 degrees in the book. I don't remember the exact wording, but Karras said her head looked like it was moving on a swivel or something. If you are interested, there are all sorts of explanations that Karras gives in the book for her speaking foreign languages, being exceedingly strong for a 12 year old girl, and for levitating and moving (which could have also been imagined or overexaggerated in his mind), but you couldn't even be bothered to read my post so I doubt it.

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Presented without comment:

>Does this shit really exist?
No. But it's fun pretending that it does

They exist, I've seen it in real life

I do not know and i doubt i ever will.

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If you were dumb enough to fall for that then you deserved it. No sympathy. You need to cultivate some street smarts dummy.

Oh boy it's another episode of "OP makes a thinly veiled religion thread to start a flamewar and reach bump limit whilst mods are too brain-dead to do anything about it"

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