We’re almost there, LOTR bros

We’re almost there, LOTR bros.

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Ready for 1st age kino

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Trailer when?

we had rangz and sheit

wings of power

>cautious optimism EXCITED cautiously optimistic restrained anticipation heard from the showrunners showrunners so knowledgeable feeling very optimistic pretty excited genuinely excited showrunners passion and knowledge more confident showrunners competent hands

don't care
not gonna watch it

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You're pretty based lil zoom

It will be fun either way :)

I can't wait.

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I won't watch it even if people say it's good.

We need some Galadriel sex scenes like GOT

Till this HIV fart from Amazon comes out?

Looking likely they will wait until San Diego Comic Con to release a proper trailer, so end of July

fuck you and your shill

Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made

>Evil cannot create anything new
Are you referring to yourself here?

So much negativity. Give it a shot first.

>18 months of filming for a single season

unofficially cancelled halfway through S1, officially cancelled after S2