Why do Russians not seek independent information compared to other cunts?

>Reddit safespace
>4channel cynicism/anger
Truly Reddit & 4channel: The Country

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Something something what about America

Why so low per cap?

I loved the video where he asked them about the economy
>russia stronk! we produce everything and live better than usa!
While wearing fake chinese sunglasses and used german cars drive in the background

Its over


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Stop interviewing bourgie retards then.

Kek how do they do it

>Why do Russians not seek independent information compared to other cunts

For the same reason why Americans don't seek independent information about America in Russian or Chinese or North Korean media. Those who do, are called Any Forumstards and incels.

but these people are not the exception

Horrible false equivalency kek also nearly all media orgs in Russia are state owned and since censorship is so heavy, independent Russian media barely exists

Yeah it's sweet. Russians are the queens of lying to themselves.

>Horrible false equivalency

You can view it this way but Russians don't. They simply think their government is trustable. Doesn't matter if it's objectively true or not, but that's what they think

It's probably that tankie from eastern pooland, don't mind the fucktard.

Because they don't want to know truth.
Kind of Germany among first world war.
We all, all Europeans, need to fight them. Or they cant stop. Kill or be killed this is what way of ruski is.

Just because I answered his question doesn't mean I like the answer. Facts are facts disregarding our personal stance on them. I strongly dislike Russia yet it's obvious for me why they don't see American media as 'independent' when it comes to describing life in Russia.

If you think the 5 main channels in your shithole arent under CIA supervision, you are a fucking retard.
State owned ? Lol. The MSNBC is literally run by the CIA. You own it and you dont even fucking know it.

>5main channels under cia supervision
Kek what?
Also you’re brain dead. Who thinks in terms of TV news? Literally every publication is run by the kremlin. Why do you think so many news companies had to escape from Russia when war broke out?

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No one even mentioned America
And American media isn’t a singular voice like Russian media

Again Washinghton Post, New York Times , the daily beast, you name it.
There are lines which are supposed to be followed, and all these publications are run by the CIA.
You dont know what you are talking about.
Russia does have independent media. Navalny on youtube has like 30 million views, Strelkov who is on the right of Putin kek, has some million views, there are commies and libs with independent media presence and million views. The thing is Putin doesnt give a shit about independent media and internet censorship, as long as he controls the boomers with TV he has enough support.

Who has more indoor toilets Russia or India

higher russian salaries, to who they are comparing to dr congo?

>And American media isn’t a singular voice like Russian media

To Russians it is, that's how they view the world - that in every country the media follow some agenda to fit in this country's interests because that's how it is in Russia. Same way like Americans perceive everything through the racial question even though outside America it's of little relevance. Obviously the political system we live in has a huge impact on our way of thinking.

>The thing is Putin doesnt give a shit about independent media and internet censorship, as long as he controls the boomers with TV he has enough support.
He actually openly funds all sorts of outlets, its quite brilliant, everyone from commies to ultranationalists get money, who do you trust? Firehose propaganda machine, overwhelm and confuse people with illusory truths.

>muh indoor toilets
Yeah we know westerners like to sniff shit in their houses.

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jesus westoids are extremely delusional lol, what causes this?