You cunt?

You cunt?
Palestine or israel?

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what is palestine?

We call it Haza


from river to sea Palestine will be free inshallah

I hate Muslims and I admire Jews since you've been doing so well with so many people against you.

but I just gave you a link explaining what palestine is.

I hea they give it away for free,
You could say its free palestine
I will take a dozen

Palestine, cuz I hate Jews and I wish them all the worst.

what is palestine?

Option C.
Christian Holy Land.

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its a de jure sovereign state in western asia borderd by israel, egypt and jordan.

I solved the conflict long ago. Unfortunately I am a literal who so my solution was ignored. Anyway, it was to create one secular state out of Israel and Palestine. Israelis and Palestinians would both become citizens of this new country. Problem solved

Why do chuds always hold such radically extreme positions? Everybody is human.

Why not the babylonian empire at this point

Palestine cuz they're the rightful natives of the land, brown and fucking Jews over

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sounds like some shit you made up

I judge people individually but Muslim beliefs don't generally fit with a peaceful world.

The most retarded post i have ever seen

just keep killing each other please

dehumanizing is always easiest when you have no stake about what you're talking about

Have Israeli friends and don’t like muslems

By this logic shouldnt the united states belong to the indians

Palestine ofc, The real jewish Land should be in Egypt close to Holy Tamazgha

I don't hate israelis but I gotta support Palestine.

Palestine, because they are muslim

138 nations, making up 71.3% of the entirety of all UN member states, recognize the state of palestine, I assure you it is not a made up concept.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 17-12-18 State of Palestine - Wikipedia.png (1690x869, 445.75K)

*native americans

>hTes muslims
I have some good news and some bad news

does hearing about living with other ethnicities make you wet your IDF provided diaper?


Baseado, my brother in Christ.

They also believe you are born gay and irak had wmd’s. Your point?

They're nations regardless of whether or not they're part of the UN, but thats besides the point.
Israel was created with the consent of the UN, and as such she should abide by its rules and resolutions.

Worked for the Swiss, three groups in one country and there’s no violence.

>They also believe you are born gay
That is correct
>and irak had wmd’s.
ironically the only countries who believe that or those who don't recognize palestine, but thats besides the point.
Recognition has nothing to do with belief.

What i ment was the solution he proposed was completly disconected from reality and imposinle to realise. Its like saying lets solve the genocide in ruwanda by shaking hands

you made up some bullshit and made a thread on it
no one cares

Based and Ghaddafipilled

>or those
are those*

That’s literally what they did lol. Kagame made the country move past it without a retaliatory genocide.

No one exactly cares what the UN has to say when it suits them

I am not the Original poster user.
Not at the moment no, but it will be the inevitable conclusion, and if we want it go well we better start treating these people like human, because they are. Stopping the occupation of the west bank is a good start. it doesn't mean that we have to remove the borders, but the checkpoints within the west bank, the settlers and the military presence needs to go.

It's hilarious how the narrative and plan is massively backfiring on Israelis as the liberal west views Palestine as victims and Israel as an aggressive Apartheid state and colonial oppressor. Whoops!

>user criticises israel
>but what about america

Palestine 67 borders, codominion over Jerusalem. Why? Well you'd think a people that were hounded and persecuted for millennia would not turn around and do the exact same thing to others the first chance they get.

you made up some narnia shit and claim its near israel
i dont get the point of the thread

1. They were there before arabs
2. They contribute more to humanity than all arab shitholes combined, let alone palestine
3. We don't need another arab shithole #24, identical to all others
Also funny how all of Israel's neighbours have been trying to destroy it and kill all jews for the past 7 decades, while Israelis just mind their own business. Yet leftists still claim the poor arabs are the victims here
If Israel wanted, it could sweep arabs from the face of earth

cringe narrowminded zionist virgins
based universal recognisers

While I understand your point, it is almost never the fact that a people who have gone through genocide have become less nationalistic because of it, in fact it only makes people more nationalistic to go through atrocities, south korea, china, armenia, all nations who have gone through similar stuff yet are extremely nationalistic.

How do Israelis feel about their demographic crisis?
Lots of foreigners born in their country who hate them and natives who don't work and have backwards religious beliefs (which also prevents them from joining the military) while the handful of smart ones with European\Germanic heritage average 0.9 kids per couple
Plus all the enemies everywhere and no land or resources in a desert


Most Israelis aren't European Jews though

>you made up some narnia shit and claim its near israel
I didn't make it up user.
>i dont get the point of the thread
the point of the thread going by the OP is to ask people's opinions of who they support, israel or palestine.

Nuclearly based

What is holocaust?

I don't care???

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i solely recognize israel

Jews in middle eastern nations didn't suffer just as much as jews from european nations, true. but they still went through persecution, and most mizrahi jews feel extremely threatened by other middle eastern countries because of it, partly because the present tends to matter more, and at the moment, the most anti semetic countries are middle eastern ones.

Which Jewish ethnicity are the ultra Orthodox hatjews from
Is there ethnic tension between Ashkenazi and med Jews and middle east Jews?

what is palestine?
it sounds like you made up that thing for this thread which seems pointless

t. kelthuz
nie ma lepszych szabasgojów niż wolnorynkowe kuce, jakbym czytał materiały PragerU

It legit makes me sad because I love Israelis and I think you 110% deserve a safe homeland and that 99% of the Palestinians' issues has been the Arab states using them as pawns. I just don't see how you can secure the former without some sort of accommodation with the Palestinians that won't leave them with some sort of untenable rump state.

Israel because I don't trust Islamdogs.

It worked there because one of the groups coexisting were not violent monkeys who live in caves

>while Israelis just mind their own business.
like bulldozing Palestinian households near the border? holy fuck, this better be bait


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o czym ty pierdolisz

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I wonder who stole their homes?

Wait a second…
This map…

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>Which Jewish ethnicity are the ultra Orthodox hatjews from
They're from all ethnicities, all jewish ethnicities have ultra orthodox jews within them. Chaim Kanievsky was the chief rabbi of the ashkenazi community, and ovadya yosef was the chief rabbi of the sephardi community, just as an example.
There was at the start yes, strong persecution by the elitist communist ashkenazi socialists didn't see mizrahis as equal, which is a major factor in the mizrahis shifting right in politics to begin's likud party.
But these days, there is none at all, unless you consider banter about ashkenazis having no good cuisine ethnic tension.