Are you a wog?

Are you a wog?

Attached: WOGS-We Only Get Sexier.jpg (240x210, 12.6K)

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yes and proud of it mate

hell yeah m8

I always find wog a very interesting classification
its not 100% muslim you have christians, its not pure mena or mediterrenean (never heard a french being called wog), sometimes more of europe, even caucassia is being added

My girlfriend is a wog. I am Aussie.

Gonna eat some olives just for you guys

Wait what I'm a wog now?

It's Bri'ish for Brown without leaving Europe.

its a dark haired caucasian
aussie girls LOVE wogs

To me a wog is just basically a med.
Olive skin tone, likes HSP and kebabs, speaks like he is choking on balls or he's pretending to be a frog and he acts tougher than he actually is

I've never heard of a french person being a wog either.

I think they ran out of flags and wanted to fill the border. Ghana, Sudan, France (except maybe the south) and Poland aren't wog countries.

What's the flag between Bosnia and Kurdistan?

Only half
Same with Italy

holy kek just noticed poland is on there
they are pasty as fuck

yea, unironically
It's a eurotrash alliance.

Southern France is white though. Brown eyes are the majority but light eyes aren't uncommon, most people have brown hair ranging from dark to chestnut, and they don't have hooked noses or brown skin. Honestly they pass everywhere in Europe.

Attached: wog map.png (2400x2000, 2.39M)

Are dark angloids classified as wog?

It's the Assyrian flag.

>Luxembourg is wog

Olive oil becoming popular outside of the Mediterranean coast is a 20th century phenomenon, before 1970 Burgundy and Alsace were butter country. It's like Sweden and Denmark transitioning from beer countries to wine countries.
Only in the northwest are people truly enamoured with butter. Breton salted butter is a delicacy.

they're 16% Portuguese


Ghana threw me off I swear.

Attached: 1653140765444.png (743x560, 85.94K)