Did you know that India has L-I-O-N-S?

Did you know that India has L-I-O-N-S?

Attached: World_Lion_distribution.png (880x768, 33.22K)

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Oh nonono lionsisters

We also have literal black monkey neegars.

I want Lions in my cunt

india should be part of africa not asia

We actually have leopards here, they're kind of a legend since the chances of seeing one are so incredibly slim since they're on the verge of extinction in israel at least, only two have ever been spotted, and pic related is one of them

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 13-30-27 Check out Israel’s 10 most unusual wild animals - ISRAEL21c.png (618x386, 591.7K)

it was and still is. we are also just as poor and just as blvck as our african brothers

But you are sheethole sorry buddy

why are you so racist to them?

africans are indistinguishable from us. literally cant spot them how can we be racist to them

you can by how much the KWEENS mog pajeetas

Attached: 1658853363836662.jpg (1080x1350, 366.11K)

we have lots of arabian leopards here but they live in weird places

that's just not true, pls stop denying cruel indian racism

tamil queen

mostly in the south right on the border with yemen right?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 13-44-05 Distribution_of_Arabian_leopard.png (PNG Image 471 × 373 pixels).png (471x373, 26.21K)

Must be northoids or Delhi cunts. They are racist and South Indians and East Indians too.

so you're othering indians now, is there anyone indian folks won't be racist to? you are one people, doesn't matter who's doing the racism you are all responsible, pls accept that

True, the government must enforce massive race mixing, caste mixing for Indians to become one unit. It will stamp out bigotry.

i'm sorry but discrimination is embedded in your genes, race mixing won't remove that

Then why are you seething? Accept it as a law of nature like gravity and move on. It's embedded in the genes anyway.

i'm not seething, i love racism as much as the next guy but you failed the basedjeet test by virtue signalling about not being racist, you should have just owned that shit

No, I actually hate racism. I want humanity to race mix as much as possible actually. Only edgy idiots think racism is cool.