Why are all thirdies on Any Forums from upper middle class families who can afford maids and stuff?

Why are all thirdies on Any Forums from upper middle class families who can afford maids and stuff?

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Because they don't suffer

because allah (peace be upon him) has blessed us for the suffering of our ancestors

I'd like to think that it's because the "first world" is a scam to make neoliberals money, but I know that it's just because I'm lazy.

They don't suffer like we do. Thirdies live lavish lifestyles in their gated communities and mansions meanwhile us ""firsties"" live in the slums.

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because we fucking work

Thirdie "work" like fishing and picking fruit are basically hobbies here

that's probably the case. not myself thoughever for i am poor (an exception)

>brazilians can just go outside and kick a tree to get any of these

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topkek, scandinavians are funee

i heard finns are very blunt and do not like when people touch them (for hugs for example)

is this true?

Yes. You will respect our personal space.

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they live in a colorless snowy cloudy grey shithole so they think trees, sunshine and greenery provide fruits and veggies

I wish I had some fruit trees so badly

We all do.

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are you black

Northern Euros are like that in general, but Scandinavians are the worst.

Why is it when a nation transitions to firsty status servants become completely inaccessible except for the megarich?

I fucking wish


Stop being rich.

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Daily reminder all the 3rd world posters here are part of the wealthy ruling class of their countries and live off the brutal exploitation of their countrymen.

Daily reminder: 100% of thirdies on Any Forums live in mansions, have maids, and went to elite private schools (which is why they speak English better than their native languages).

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Daily reminder all the 1st world posters here are part of the wealth ruling class of all of human society and live off the brutal exploitation of thirdies.

Thoughts on trinidad ?

caribbeans are very scary people

the only near death experience i had abroad was when i was robbed by a gang of jamaicans

i will just assume that trinidad is exactly the same as jamaica due to my ignorance

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