You CANNO Suffer in America

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win a billion dollars
get shot

That just means your odds of winning are even lower than normal

Winning the lottery in America is like one of those survival games where your location shows up on the minimap and all of the other players try to hunt you down.

most people are greedy and they take the lump sum which ultimately grants them MUCH less than they would have if they took the yearly installments.

I was more talking about how a lot of states dox the winners

i know exactly what you were talking about. you'd be better off looking for an expensive house to rob in your own area.

costs 700 million dollars to play all the possible outcomes, so it is worth betting all the possible outcomes if no-one else does it this week

europoorjackpot winnings are only like 90mil. Those are ones that has come to finland, because this whole country is obsessed with lottery since its only acceptable way to get rich.

91,9 M€ 34/2019 Siilinjärvi (50 osuuden porukka)
18,0 M€ 46/2018 Espoo
90,0 M€ 06/2018 Loimaa (5 osuuden porukka)
41,6 M€ 42/2017 Savonlinna
46,5 M€ 27/2017 Tampere
87,0 M€ 15/2017 Tampere (3 osuuden porukka)
10,0 M€ 19/2016 Espoo
19,4 M€ 03/2016 Tammisaari
38,9 M€ 36/2015 10 osuuden nettiporukka eri puolilla Suomea
46,1 M€ 30/2015 Turku
23,3 M€ 23/2015 Kotka
17,8 M€ 52/2014 Jämsä (10 osuuden porukka)
61,2 M€ 37/2014 Espoo
57,3 M€ 14/2014 Akaa (10 osuuden porukka)
21,3 M€ 39/2013 Teuva
29,5 M€ 04/2013 Seinäjoki

>which ultimately grants them MUCH less than they would have if they took the yearly installments.

>better off
They wouldn't be following the lottery if they could think of better ways to use their time. By winning the lottery you're literally broadcasting your name and wealth to the most impulsive, desperate people in your community

gib me it
i want it
i need it
i will use it to do good
i promise
i deserve to win

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on the other hand you're assuming the lottery will exist in 25 years or whatever it takes to pay you out

i think i'll use my lucky fortune cookie

I wish I could run a lottery. Easiest scam in the universe.

>Here's a lottery pool
>$20 a ticket
>I get a 15% cut just for collecting this shit
>winner gets the rest (also enjoy your tax bill)

But lottery winners end up suffering more from their wealth. They lose friendships, get accosted by people begging for them to help, live unfulfilling lives revolving around money, and end up depressed or targeted by scammers and thieves.

retard who doesn't understand the time value of money

my life would change dramatically if i won something as little as $15k. i can't imagine what i would even do with $1 billion.

you could match the us military's spending... for 12 hours

How would your life change with just 15k?

So, how much will the government take out of 1 Billion?