Would you rather live in Ireland or England?

Would you rather live in Ireland or England?

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I don't want my kids to have disgusting red hair.

England obviously.

Ireland looks nice

I choose BOTH

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Ireland is Britain but worse in every way
The main upside is that they have less ethnics. But this is balanced out by the fact that they have more pikeys.

The idea the Irish are all ginger is just bullshit.
Most Irish I met were dark haired and dark eyed.

less urbanised, less foreigners, less hated internationally, marginally higher wages

the only real downsides are that they’re irish plus the utterly shit weather

Irish accent is sex

vgh... such a potato country

I would rather die.

There's a reason 10% of people born in Ireland live in the UK

>dark eyed.
you wish, Sadiq.

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explain how much higher ireland is on the human development index then teabag

utterly based west brit

Ireland is too remote
Same reason I'd never move to Northern Norway
At least here in Southern Europe we're just a short €30 ferry ride away from Denmark or The Netherlands

>here in Southern Europe
Southern Norway***

Jesus fuck

That map is utter bollox.
>75-90% of people living in Liverpool have blue/green eyes

When are you going to fuck off back to Islamabad, you filthy Paki shitsmear?

This is where they go on about tax evasion ignoring that england is third world tier outside London and a few dying boomervilles

You mad scouse mutt?
Go suck on your dead Nan's tumours

Yes it's called London, it has foreigners from around the globe and it's minority English with a Pakistani mayor.

it's a massive tax haven
is this not common knowledge?

Ireland. England is too islamic, and religion is the opiate of the people.

mate do you really think Ireland's any better?
there isn't a single beautiful city in Ireland except maybe Galway and even that's a push
and you don't have the pretty villages that England has in Ireland
There's no Irish Cotswolds
Combine this with the fact that they have a worse housing market, an even bleaker climate, even worse healthcare, more expensive groceries, less opportunities and to top it off their cities are infested with knackers (genuinely worse people than blacks or pakis)

sudlendinga e ærefulle spanjola :)