What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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I liked this but I haven't watched any top gear

even worse in terms of hiding the scripted bullshit
just watch Clarksons farm

Top Gear is better. Grand Tour is too obviously scripted and forced

They didn't have any build offs.

Top Gear found a good balance between outlandish bits, slapstick comedy with dry humour, and actual car reviews. Grand Tour seems to just lean heavily on their "special" format episodes and throws off the balance they had. It just doesn't feel quite the same, despite Grand Tour having some bangers, it's not as consistent as Top Gear.

>Grand Tour is too obviously scripted
Rewatch Top Gear. It's just as bad. You were just young/completely retarded back then.

everything apart from the last episode which was extremely kino

I've got a jaaag

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Captain Slow getting cancelled

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not gonna lie: Seamen was kino

This pretty much, too much of GT was devoted to high end cars and bits involving high end cars.

I miss cheap car challenges the most.

Who is playing goku and pan?

I heard the specials were alright, but I dropped it after that one episode where they did a military obstacle course thing for nearly an hour, that mostly didn't even involve cars at all
What a shitshow of an episode

I rather enjoyed all of their travelogue specials. Some of those nature shots as they kept driving along were simply gorgeous.

they've been at it for over 20 years now. both the trio and their shtick got old is all.

Dude it just got better and better every season. S3 was almost peak Top Gear tier and had some of their best specials ever.

amazon was too invested
they had to script every minute detail to guarantee success but it ultimately ruined it
Clarkson's Farm Season 2 when

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Deciding to do only specials then COVID hitting and making it impossible to travel didn't fucking help

Are they planning to make more specials?


pretty sure them retiring would be breaking news friend

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Just your basic soul/soulless it happens all the time.

based bombi enjoyer

yeah but that's about all they're planning on doing together as far as tv goes.