Based Maher

Based Maher. I love his takes

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wtf i love liberal jews now???

He does this song and dance every time people forget he exists. He says one or two "based" things in the span of a week or so and then the next week he'll go back to citing psycho lefty shit just to kick anyone in the gut who falls for his shit that he's not a moron.

He'll have a sexual assault allegation coming his way soon because of this

I appreciate that he's a professional troll. All of you should.

i support transfolk but I think they're a good example of how the online affects real life. Trans people in real life are pretty much huge shut-ins, they just cope by participating hardcore in online communities. A huge number of forum moderators are mtfs and so control discourse that way, they also heavily participate on pseudoanonymous platforms, such as reddit, Any Forums, discord, gaming, etc. Pronoun issues are only a huge deal online, but in real life, if I'm talking to a mtf, I never have any reason to call her a her or a him one way or another because I'm talking to them directly. If the modern internet didn't exist as it does, trans issues would be as low profile as they were 20 years ago. They would still be around but they wouldn't be completely dominating the social conversation.

>i support transfolk
Stopped reading. Reddit's that way, friend.


You have to go back

No, he's been like this for several years now, he's one of the only prominent leftists who are anti woke and he's been consistent about that. I don't agree with him on everything, or even a majority, but I can appreciate that he believes something rooted in more than just "whatever party says."

trannoid freaks wouldn't have a fraction of the say that they do if it wasn't for retards like you
you can hang alongside them

I support transfolk but I'm also miffed at how they've basically made the Democratic party commit suicide. Transfolk are single-handedly the reason Trump won in 2016. Their outsize online influence makes the Dem leaders commit to insane positions that turn off most people in real life that aren't terminally online, like how cringe it is when a Dem says Latinx. If not for transfolk then we'd have a united Democratic government, more liberal SCOTUS judges, the preservation of Roe v Wade, and utopia in America

Really? I swear I saw him say something really backwards not long ago. I dont think ill go out of my way to watch but if that's true thats good.

He’s just a liberal from before liberals went batshit. Honestly good for him for at least not caving in to the new left.

t. Reddit

That is the least contentious thing about the trans discussion these days

I remember when he was on Toe Rogan's podcast he went on some tangent where he wistfully longed for the days when he was a child in some idyllic, all-white, conservative town, totally oblivious that he's spent his entire adult life ushering in the very forces that have utterly destroyed that way of life. Honestly, just sad.

10/10 bait
have a (you)

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Uh, no. He wasn’t saying any of this shot when it was relevant between 2016 - 2020.
He’s a faggot who changes his opinions like the wind so that he always stays “relevant.”

Remember that the monkey pox thing now comes from a multi homosexual orgy party in Spain

Everything he said was right