When you type "relationship with" in Polish google, "relationship with Ukrainian woman" is first result...

When you type "relationship with" in Polish google, "relationship with Ukrainian woman" is first result, and "relationship with Turkish man" is the second.

Attached: 218.jpg (976x850, 61.9K)

jewgle is trying to export globohomo and ruin your traditional eastern european country

Attached: 1604336973825.jpg (125x125, 2.18K)

Where are you finding Turkish women in Poland

OP is lying. there's no "relationship with Ukrainian woman" result but there is a "relationship with Nigerian man with huge BBC"

obviously by stealing them from you

This is what I got on incognito

Attached: relations.png (667x350, 39.5K)

This is what I get.

Attached: file.png (643x625, 68.06K)

>meeting foreigners in moscow
are vatniks really that desperate

I WILL get a Russian gf

Attached: 9187fj3nyxz31.jpg (1062x1080, 90.03K)

Thats because google adapts your feed to the data it absorbs from you, freak.

>Women over 50

Attached: 99400v5s58p81.png (1080x1243, 419.96K)

I get
relationship with ...
>a narcisist
>minor legal

>minor legal

and she'll get all your money

Attached: 1619796174914.webm (360x360, 302.4K)

I've meant just the results referring to nationalities.

These are the results I got on a brand new computer at work, though.

Attached: Proof.png (694x489, 27.17K)

That would be after 5 years of sex THOUGH

And yeah, if I google 'relationship with' the results are our international relationships with various countries. And if I google 'how to meet' slightly differently worded, the top result is 'Putin'. Idk, Russian language is weird.

Attached: file.png (722x592, 68.24K)

>husband from war
What did they mean by this? And why are soldiers in such a high demand?

Attached: fc0.jpg (600x522, 27.46K)

It's more like 'how to welcome home...' which uses the same word. As I've said, Russian language is weird. That being said, I assume soldier boyfriends are in high demand right now since everybody loves warriors.

we used to make fun of americans with "thank you for your service" but now it's you instead lol

wagie culture

Attached: wagie.png (652x607, 33.14K)

how wife is going to greet him

I don't get anything with turks
are you sure you haven't used inspect element?

Is it easy to hook up an Oxanka in Polska nowdays?

borderline personality disorder/bpd
the basic bitch of wom*n mental illness

I wouldn't know, I'm an incel.