What movie was it?

what movie was it?

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Why does this guy tweet like a teenage girl?

Dunston checks in 2: Dunston checks out

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With that emoji i assume its Lolita

Pretty baby

He's in Cannes so according to the schedule it's either Crimes of the Future (doubtful) or Decision to Leave (Park Chan-Wook, probably)

he's in tokyo

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He's Japanese. Eating nothing but basedsauce and sushi might do that to you

What compels people to blatantly talk out there ass like this?

Crying in terror, pissing himself with fear.

Attached: bbman.jpg (312x445, 29.26K)

faggot fucking Any Forums"nel"
I should be able to say the word when I'm talking about the actual thing and not saying the no no word that makes these faggot jannies piss themselves.


I swear I thought I saw him yesterday at one of the projection. Like, I'm not a "all rook same" idiot, he has a twin brother, same face, same glasses, he even wore some stupid designer t-shirt.

the movies name was "i cried so hard"


Ah. That must be either Hideo or Kojima.

cannot even say the movie title of s_ylent green haha

>Like, I'm not a "all rook same" idiot
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