Dude it's mature because it has gore

>dude it's mature because it has gore
By far Miyazaki's worst.

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Easily Miyazakis best

we heard you last night. we get it, your 12. go away.

Its clearly mature because it deals with adult and existential themes.

>Its clearly mature because it deals with adult and existential themes.

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I disagree, but Nausicaa was the same thing but better.

Lady Eboshi's industrialism is super based.

>muh trees

>nature good
>people bad
bravo kojima, you've done it again

She had no real reason to kill the god of the forest and shooting him was a huge unnecessary risk
>take disadvantaged people under your wing, give them a place in the world
>create community and industry with disadvantaged people
>lemme just, uh, shoot a god!

>>nature good
>>people bad


>used to think mononoke was a more interesting adventure flick than castle in the sky
>recently rewatched them
>realize mononoke is okay and castle in the sky is peak anime adventure kino
I don't know what I was thinking before, CitS is pure SOVL. I prefer the more "cartoony" style of Miyazaki's older work, and how it knew when to be serious and when to be goofy. Makes me want to go back and rewatch some of his other stuff because I had a notion the Princess Mononoke/Spirited Away/Howl's Moving Castle was the studio's golden age.

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wasn't she commanded by the king or some shit?

>>Its clearly mature because it deals with adult and existential themes.

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the emperor basically was going to give his eternal favor to whoever did it. and she needed the protection as other samurai lords were constantly attacking trying to get her iron

Film niggers will never accept anime because it's competition. The art world is just about being a snob and stealing ideas while calling said ideas shit.

I just like the forest setting and the wolves and other creatures.

For cripples and parasites maybe. Industrialization proves that it's unnatural by keeping them alive unlike nature intends.

But the movie only adapts a quarter of the manga.
Hideaki Anno should do his Rebuild of Nausicaa sometime soon.
The closest the manga will ever have to a screen adaptation would be the proshot of the kabuki stageplay that Shochiku made.
Shochiku, Studio Ghibli and Walt Disney Japan already released the proshot on Blu-ray but it's only in Japanese without subtitles.
The entire play is six hours long and has an intermission/disc break on the three-hour mark.

>if you respond to my thread in a way that doesn't back up what I'm saying you are "seething" and that means I'm right

>Shin Nausicaa

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Lol. But I agree that adaptaion of manga version sounds really good

anime never had any original idea you pathetic weetranny

Miyazaki doesn't trust anyone except Anno for doing a Nausicaa sequel or reboot.
Miyazaki would approve Anno's planned reboot as long as it isn't live action. But Anno wants to do it in live action.

this is true. the best anime and majority of their art is influenced by superior western film, music and literature. every great anime is ripping from some classic film or book.

Ghibbli is better when dealing with less story-heavy movies like Chihiro, Totoro, Kiki, Marnie... The only exception is Princess Kaguya.