I just dont understand white ppl

>white british people wake up with stinky breath and teeth full of plaque, then eat, and then brush their teeth, rather than brushing their teeth before eating

>white british people clean their dishes in a sink full of a mix of soapy water and food waste, instead of scrubbing the plates under running water

>white british people eat fried meat for breakfast

Im not even race baiting. I just cant understand this and i have this nightmare where i marry a white britisher and she tries to make me and our kids live like this

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Why would you brush your teeth before eating
You just get them immediately dirty again

You brush after each meal
Simple as

>brushing your teeth before eating
Do you also shower before you take a shit? retard.

cos when you wake up, your mouth is full of germs from salivating during sleep and its also when you have bad breath the most so you brush your mouth the first thing in the morning

When you wake up your mouth is full of plaque and bad smells
You're swallowing all that shit.

You need to brush plaque and tartar off your teeth, not food.

Retards out here constantly brushing their teeth and doing more damage
Just stop eating sugar or keep it to a minimum

Once in the morning
Once before bed with a floss before bed

Also tongue scrape

Yeah, you do that after breakfast.

surely you brushed your teeth before going to bed?

No? Eating food usually puts acid on your teeth. When you brush with acid you basically rubbing the acid into your teeth

Also the point of brushing is not to remove food.
It's to remove bacterial byproducts like tartar.
Yes but you still wake up with bad stink in your mouth.

Damage to teeth is caused by food being stuck in there for long periods, you tards. If you eat and then brush after 10 minutes, the bacteria don’t have enough time to cause damage with their digestive acids.

Do brown retards really brush before eating kek

>have this nightmare where i marry a white britisher and she tries to make me and our kids live like this
Easy fix, move back to India

Last time i had my teeth cleaned at the dentist, the lady told me you should never eat breakfast and immediately brush youe teeth afterwards. Too much acidity at once i think.

You are definitely not supposed to brush immediately after drinking soda, better to rinse your mouth with water first and then wait a bit to get the pH back to normal. But after every meal? Sounds like medical schizo rambling desu.

Its more about most people get taught to wash their teeth right after eating when its actually better to wait half an hour

I dont wake up with bad smell in my mouth but guess its different when youre from bongland

Sure buddy right after deepthroating a couple of snus and a floppy piece of surströmming you wake up with a beautiful flower breath

You are swallowing all the bacterial byproducts.

You are swallowing bacteria and their byproducts every second, you idiot.

And since you brush before breakfast, your teeth are literally rotting throughout the day due to the bacteria digesting the food stuck in your mouth.

Yes thats why i brush/floss my teeth before bed?

Do you tongue scrape?

Brushing should always be done BEFORE breakfast

Clearing bacteria out before you introduce food makes more sense than brushing after they are already metabolising sugars. Salivary calcium levels are lower in the morning increasing the risk of decay.

Brushing your teeth first thing in the morning isn’t going to prevent bacteria from being there afterwards or you from swallowing them throughout the day.

This has to be a troll thread, can’t believe I took this obvious bait.

Your mouth stinks
Your teeth are coated in fucking plaque

How can you eat with your mouth smelling like that? Would you bite into literal shit?

You are walking around with your mouth smelling like shit the whole day and talking to people like that because you don’t brush after breakfast.

how can you eat after brushing your teeth?