Why were all the carts spread out over the parking lot? Did some incident happen before this episode?

Why were all the carts spread out over the parking lot? Did some incident happen before this episode?

Attached: bettercallcarts.jpg (1920x1080, 526.47K)

lazy bones need to by lynched desu

>michael mando

>2 cart narc threads
Someone is really pissed off about carts this morning

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Cart's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-art", rhyming with "Cart". So, when Cart owned the shop, it would have been called "Cart's Fart and Shart".

Attached: 1653382849832.jpg (3024x4032, 2.32M)

people in this type of nothing job often have to stretch what they're doing because there's not enough actual work to do. he also probably has to help people load cars and clean the lot

>cart narc

u wot

i dunno there's some reddit video of a woman screaming at people who don't put carts back. i didn't watch it but it's CERTAINLY BEEN IN MY FUCKING FACE FOR THE LAST 16 HOURS!

Reminder if you don't agree with Cart Narc then you are a fat faggot Redditor and need to leave Any Forums and go to the gym

Attached: redditisfatandlazylikeyouretard.png (1039x1237, 100.78K)

They’re just as split as Any Forums, most threads I’ve seen about it go 50/50

I legit don’t know which side is correct anymore. I truly believe that if you don’t put your cart back you deserve to be harassed (at least in the innocent cart narc way) and made fun of for being a lazybones retard. But so many people feel like the narc is in the wrong that the sentiment must have some merit to it

Arguing doesn't change anything and incosideration instilled into americans at a young age does not go away by yelling at them.
Raise your next generation of people better and maybe things will change.

Cart Narc makes faggots seethe so he's based.

Cartnarc is literally ruining the days of wagies
Going out across the parking lot to collect carts is literally the only refuge in the job. This reddit faggot is making sure all the wagies are stuck stocking shelves and working a cash register all day without reprieve. he’s selfish and thinks only of himself. He never once considered if the wagie didn’t actually ENJOY the peace and quiet of a long trek across the lot and away from their nagging boss and fat customers.

That’s probably why people like him.

Based wagie wrecker.

shopping carts are the ultimate morality test
these threads prove that 50% of the world is evil

In the sequel will we see Cart Narc giving actor man a magnet?

wtf I love Cartnarc now

cartnarc is going to bait someone in America to shooting him and I hope it goes an Artery.
People who don't put carts away are subhuman but you don't see those people placing magnets on the cart narcs car for making faggy YouTube gotcha videos

>But so many people feel like the narc is in the wrong that the sentiment must have some merit to it
>if enough people agree it's correct
That's not how it works. Honestly, the inverse is more likely to be true in that most people are fucking morons.

I can understand both sentiments. People should definitely put their cart back, but some guy taking it upon himself to police others on it would be annoying.
I always put my trolley back. Do American trolleys not have you put in money or a trolley token to get one? That'd probably reduce the amount of people leaving the around the place because they'd want their money back.

>Do American trolleys not have you put in money or a trolley token to get one?

why does a filmed show look like a blender render