Why has China developed faster and more consistently than Brazil...

Why has China developed faster and more consistently than Brazil, despite both countries being huge and having corruption problems?

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China people of great heritage with many achievement and scientist

Brazil people descendant of monkey

They share almost nothing in common. China is one of the world's oldest nations, Brazil wasnt a thing in 1499. Brazil is sparsely populated, China is not. China have low crime, Brazil, lol. China doesnt care about democracy, Brazil was forced by its own people to turn to democracies after 20 and some years of dictatorships.
Really weird to compare the countries, the only similar thing is that both are huge.

chinese focused on manufacturing industry with super cheap labor

brazil didn't

Latinx people are dumb and lazy

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The Chinese killed 60 million of their own to do it because they're all literal psychopaths who don't have empathy and only care about money, power and superficiality.

apezilians are pic rel

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One is corrupt on all levels, and the other is led by a bunch of technocrats.

China simply reclaim its former title as the world superpower

Brazilians are into only samba

high iq vs low iq

Liberal, Conservative, Communist, no political power is interested in subsidizing manufacturing industry here
It's all monetary policy shenanigans, state companies to transfer tax money to useless bureaucrats and grants for poison filled agriculture

Are you seriously comparing Brazil to China?

China has stealth aircraft, aircraft carriers, space station.

communism is the better system than capitalism but people compare the wealthiest imperialist western countries to poor back waters like cambodia and then think it sucks.

You're Nipponese, you should know what the Great Leap Forward is

Some countries are better off as dictatorships. Democracy is a meme for black, brown nations
I think Brazil should burn the constitution, forget about all its failed attempts to emulate Europe, forget about human rights etc and go full Saudi Arabia.

Brazil comes from a place of greater wealth than China. in the 1800s the average brazillian was wealthier and more educated than the average chinese. China brought 1.5 billion people out of poverty and illiteracy with communism, while Brazil stagnated and became a poor backwater because of capitalism and it's inefficiencies.

I've heard the argument that China's corruption doesn't harm their economic growth, that in fact their corruption actually makes business work faster. Because Chinese corruption is mostly bribery and secret deals to get projects completed faster (and without regulation).

year zero was pretty messed up.

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Either a dictatorship or a monarchy. No other political take will possibly make this shithole work.

state capitalisms is the better system than liberal capitalism

communism is just staving people.

Developed into what.

Saudi Arabia is unironically the best country Brazil could try to emulate. The way they deal with criminals is the only way to fix Brazil's violence. And without fixing the violence, we cant fix shit
Once we make every Brazilian afraid of comitting a crime, things would skyrocket naturally.
But sadly, this shithole has white people law for a brown population, so it will always be a shithole because the brownoid/black knows he can kill someone to steal his things and nothing serious will happen to him
Direitos humanos, né, meu??


It's all about productivity, and exports.
If your country doesn't produce shit, it doesn't matter what political, or economic system you try to set up.
It doesn't matter how matter, artistic, or bountiful your country is.

If you don't produce shit, you don't have an economy. The more you produce, the more you sell, the more money you have, the higher the salaries, etc.

Because of jews, they favor chinese manufacture due to lower costs and buy everything from them, thus creating more jobs, income and wealth in China. There's a reason why China earned "the world's factory" nickname. Brazil on the other hand hasn't had this opportunity.

japanese brazilians are miserable

then why you are posting in a capitalist website and not in a communist website?

Cut all the pensions, lay off the lower bureaucrats, eliminate the minimum wage, give constitutional review to the executive branch, deploy the military for a permanent mission on the favelas and break industrial patents. Call it Communism.
It's the only way