What are some good, meaty roles that budding young actress Francesca Capaldi might be well suited for?

What are some good, meaty roles that budding young actress Francesca Capaldi might be well suited for?

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Playing C. Hendrick's daughter

Hey baby.


>raise aoc to 18
>put something in the water to turn lgs like these

Fucking jews. They rigged the game

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Franny is a tranny.

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>Terrible actress
>No projects lined up
>A redhead
>Amazing body
>18 in a month
Sounds like the perfect recipe for an OF account!

Attached: capaldi.webm (720x838, 2.49M)

One of her eyes is higher than the other and now I can’t I see it

I’ve always wondered why her cheeks were so disproportionately chubby, she might have Chron’s disease, meaning she shits herself often :)

its wayyyy higher

maybe 3 years ago hehehe

She’s literally forcing me to fantasize about her areolas with this outfit, my sensory cortex has been hijacked

I bought a couple of her sports bras on poshmark

pedo dog whistle thread

Did they smell like her?

dog whistle implies subtlety

This is a big breasted actress thread

Some perfume yeah, but for the most part they were washed sadly

How big do you reckon they are compared to those pasties?

Almost as big and they're the color of cherry blossoms

Another Ariel Winter