
oh yeah... I'm thinking we got this reddit bros

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he's an alcoholic cokehead and I don't have sympathy for him

Why is everything in the US such a circus?

Why did he break up his family for that conspicuously psychotic whore?

The symbolic destruction of the me too movement, AWLFs, and pussy inflation. Bless you Captain Jack

>all the ugly retards in this thread mad a true handsome chad doing his thing

gay detected

tradition, mostly

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>The symbolic destruction of the me too movement,
Everybody hates bitchy, entitled women, ESPECIALLY other women. The me too thing was a case of mass denial in pretending this isn't the case.

fpbp, all actor simps should be shot

>The me too thing was a case of mass denial in pretending this isn't the case.
Just a case of women upset male chauvinist Trump took the presidency away from their amoral corrupt leader by grabbing her by the pussy and women have been on the tilt the entire time. Now that he's out, they'll find something new to bitch about and blame for their short comings.

Any man who has hand tattoos is an abuser.

>ok kids, i got... $63
>that'll get us one third of a book

literally me

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>he's out
Trump is never out.

depp is cringe
imagine being such a fucking estrogen faggot that you let some tiny blonde """abuse""" you
kill yourself

>Trump is never out.

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Sure it's stupid how hyped up this is, BUT I like that trials are becoming more and more public and the actual hearings are streamed for all to see. It makes it all more transparent and people can watch and observe it instead of purely relying on the results decided behind closed doors or 1000 miles away. IMO every hearing should be streamed for all to see.

well, if he actually defended himself he'd probably be in jail for life right now. so it's a good thing he is a pussy

Yeah, I think it's a case of it actually working out for good this time, because if this was all behind closed doors the media would be all over trying to back up Amber. They still kind of are, but it looks a lot more self serving because everyone can just look up the video themselves.

What's his endgame?

hes a fucking drunk old arrogant douchebag and Amber Heard is his soulmate ie a massive cunt

How can I become a 650 $/h fraud like her?

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the dash for cash part is real, the le teachers need mo money part is bullshit