It took me 3 days and 4 sittings but I finally finished it and almost every single minute was a dull bore

It took me 3 days and 4 sittings but I finally finished it and almost every single minute was a dull bore.

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Capeshit is more up your alley.

Put down your phone next time you stupid freak

>kino could beat me to death with a bowling pin and I still wouldn't recognize it

You only really need to watch the church scene and the end scene.

How exactly would a cuck like Daniel operate a successful business? Story makes no sense

you're a faggot

It was oscar bait with great individual scenes but put together make a bad movie

I thought it was good

His secret was that he was a milkshake connoisseur. He knew where to get the best.

Your loss, mate.

Did you like Licorice Pizza?

can't stand PTA
>for this movie im gonna rip off scorsese
>for this movie im gonna rip off altman
>for this movie im gonna rip off kubrick
>for this movie im gonna rip off lucas

No I don't even like licorice soft drink.


All the scenes with Dano and DDL were great.

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There wasn't a bad scene in the movie

No Country for Old Men was the best 2007 western kino.

It's a shit movie and this scene is ridiculous. The whole thing is "auteur" clichés, and DDL's acting is tediously over-mannered and charmless.

The entire movie was extremely captivating.

Paul Dano was great but Daniel Day Lewis was just paying a caricature of himself.

Cute bait but it's recently become one of my favourite films
I can't stop thinking about it

Also I forgot to add that this is the quintessential George W. Bush, Iraq war era movie for pseuds, in that it criticises the American mythos (pioneer spirit, capitalism, evangelical religion) but in a hackneyed, trite way that doesn't really get at the heart of the US's imperialism and corruption. It's the movie that allowed the American critics to feel that they were watching "subtle" (i.e. not subtle) criticism of the US oil wars in the middle east, but in a way that makes them feel intellectually superior (DUMB Evangelicals, EVIL capitalists) therefore justifying American exceptionalism in reverse. Its analysis of American capitalism and religion is fucking reddit tier.

This. It's one of the few movies i can watch and then watch again right after.

agreed this movie was horseshit, stopped watching it halfway thru, daniel day dicksuckers get fucked

Yes Paul Dano was effortlessly good in his performance. Graceful actor. Even though I think his character is written as a spiteful caricature of American religion.

Yep if you want to understand the "dishonest filmmaking" meme, here it is

Daniel was a great character.

this is bait
these are people who fell for obvious bait and now feel empowered to trash talk a good film
This is true but it's still a good movie.

based shameless adhd brain broken zoomer

It's the quintessential liberal critique of America where they blame the rubes for every ill in the country despite libs being the number one warmongers, consoomers, and totalitarians.

Disregarding that DDL plays him way too flamboyantly so that he lacks the intimidating stature and forcefulness of the old oil barons, the problem I have with the way he's written is that it's a cold psychological deconstruction (following textbook formulas) which misses the grandeur and romance of the American capitalist (even if it's tawdry and deserves to be criticised). Look at Citizen Kane. I don't like that movie much either, but at least Orson Wells depicts the grand and attractive side of the great American capitalist, so that when he rips him to pieces psychologically it feels more authentic and well earned. Daniel is written with cold, ruthless spite. Kane is written with much more empathy and understanding, which allows for a real criticism rather than a pompous cartoon act.