El Camino

in retrospect was it mediocre?

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I re-watched it a month ago, it's not that bad. It's just the fat Damon shit really sticks out. Like seriously, he could have dropped a few pounds.

in currentspect it was mediocre
it feels like a breaking bad DLC rather than an an actual sequel. Jesse’s in the same place he was at the end of breaking bad by the end of this

>in retrospect
I thought it was mediocre immediately after watching it

It was worse than Many Saints of Newark but the spinoff is still running so shills have to defend all Breaking Bad related media

It had an underwhelming plot, but it was a well constructed, well acted, enjoyable 'movie'. It would've probably worked better as a two-part miniseries, but it was very enjoyable. This level of minute fanservices is actually respectable in my opinion. Not selling out or pandering, but slightly expanding on the story.

>Jesse’s in the same place he was at the end of breaking bad by the end of this
He's not though. At the end of breaking bad he just got his freedom and is still on the run from the cops. At the end of this he's living a new life. To be honest, no one's really going to be looking hard for him anyways since Walt has not been located.

Very forgettable. That's all I'm gonna say about it.

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yes, very.
just a soulless cash grab it added nothing to the story

Better than Better Call Saul but not as good as Breaking Bad.

I never rewatched the show after it finished so I understood almost nothing

Not bad on its own, but Breaking Bad did it better. His true final boss was always Walt, and his true final character development was not doing what Walt said. Inventing a new villain that was pretty much just a physical obstacle did mean much.

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>To be honest, no one's really going to be looking hard for him anyways since Walt has not been located
? Did you watch the last episode of Breaking Bad? Cops find Walter's body

Seriously this. I mean, of course actors get older, and even Jesse is noticeably older than the real end of Breaking Bad, but this was immersion breaking for me. Just write the fucking character out. Todd literally didn't need to be in the movie at all.

More than anything, it was just unnecessary. Jesse driving off into the night was a perfectly respectable ending for him in Breaking Bad. Walt was dead, he was free from the compound, and was clearly traumatized from his experience. It was obvious that he would go somewhere far away, try to disappear, and try to start a new life... which is exactly what he does in El Camino. He did exactly what we all assumed he would do, and really didn't add anything new to the story.

>It was worse than Many Saints of Newark
nice try chase you fucking cuckold

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Nice try Vince, go simp for Skylar some more

>it’s a everyone just collectively pretends that early 20s Jesse’s hairline was always that bad episode

I watched it for the first time after a BrBa rewatch a few weeks ago. I think if you hype it up as this big thing, especially since it was the first BrBa content in years, you'll be disappointed. But if you just watch the series, and naturally flow into El Camino, it works great as a higher budget epilogue.

>It was worse than Many Saints of Newark

How, and why? Nothing in the movie damaged the characters, or ruined anything. No one was made to look bad, or got disrespected. It was just closure on Jesse's character.

It was ok, just something thrown together to provide a melancholy ending for the character.

It was good, but I think it was a bit unnecessary. Like I would've been completely fine with Jesse's story ending at the Nazi meth den.

Because it was a worse movie that had access to the original cast and crew only a few years later.
>damaged the characters
How did Many Saints do that?


I watched every episode of Breaking Bad twice because I think it’s one of the greatest linear shows ever made, but I turned off El Camino in the first 20 minutes. Shit was shit, shit was garbage.

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The backstory they gave to Dickie Moltisanti didn't really fit with the series and the motive for his murder was so half baked.

>I watched every episode of Breaking Bad twice because I think it’s one of the greatest linear shows ever made
imagine proudly admitting to being this much of a pleb

>Dickie Moltisanti
Kek chris’s retarded dad? Who gives a shit

He was the main character in the movie we're discussing right now, sorry you have the memory span of a goldfish.

I mean is he wrong? What's comparable? Twin Peaks, maybe?

>yeah the whole part about him moving on and getting a new gf who you actually had a healthy relationship with and a son figure and you watched traumatically get her brains blown out uhhhhhh who cares we’ll put a photograph of her in the background of one of the scenes
bravo vince

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One thing I really liked about the movie was that it really put more weight on how fucked up Jesse's situation was. Dude was literally a slave for half a year.

Not really it was fucking kino. It should have been made years ago and just been the final episode of breaking bad but whatever.

"One of the greatest" means virtually nothing because there are so few truly great television dramas, and so relatively few long-running television dramas period. Breaking Bad was entertaining. It was fun. It was not great storytelling, it was not great art, and is only included in the conversation by plebs who almost universally have never even tried to watch anything better.

You didn't answer my question. What's better than Breaking Bad in terms of television? I will genuinely argue it's in the running. The Sopranos? Twin Peaks? Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul sits right at the table with them. Don't get flippant just cause someone accuses a show of being great. This is not a hot take.

Neither one of those shows is in the same league as Twin Peaks and The Sopranos. Seasons 1-2 of BB had potential but then it became graphic novel-tier. Not a bad show, though.