ITT: Any Forums in 1947

ITT: Any Forums in 1947

Attached: traffic jam in detroit, 1947.jpg (800x575, 254.64K)

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Please no

Can't wait to go celebrate in Karachi, India when the brits fuck off

Fuck soviet union

My brother Stan survived the Philippines only to get fucked up from PTSD which nobody knows how to treat in 1947 and blasted his face off with a 12 gauge the other day. Alas.

inb4 Butthurt Belt

Attached: 78676555.png (1954x1783, 127.86K)

it is 1947. we are ruled by dictator puppet of US corporations whose job is to keep the banana bucks flowing while impoverished slave worker toil in plantations. good times.

so pretty much the usual, right?


imagine inhaling all that uncatalyzed exhaust

This is why boomers are mentally ill

They're going across the border to Canada. Before air conditioning was widespread it was common for people in the Great Lakes states to take summer trips up there to cool off.

Soon we're gonna do a little bit of trolling near the city of Kurchatov in Kazakhstan :)

That's not nice, Pekka. Stalin gave you very generous peace terms in the war you started and didn't even occupy you or make you into gommies. (^:

We all march forward like one towards the bright communist future where every man and woman will be happy
I love my soviet motherland
I love the CPSU
I work diligently in the factory like the party tells me to
I love our glorious leader Stalin
I love our glorious leader Stalin
I love our glorious leader Stalin
I love our glorious leader Stalin
Please please tell me the black automobile outside is not for me

Attached: 1980f9af6c566f772a323901b135517e.jpg (236x229, 8K)

hit it, Bing!

my one grandma is 26. the other is 20.

I'm saving up my allowance for this car that's being manufactured locally. Thoughts?

Attached: brooks_steam_motors_ltd_1926_05_may_18_brooks_steamer_gentle_giant_of_motion_front.png (424x576, 438.84K)

you're 20 years too late, buddy. this is your new wheels.

Attached: pontiac-torpedo-sedancoupe-1369544-o.jpg (400x247, 30.39K)

:( sad



Welke taal spreken jullie allemaal. Waar ben ik. Waar is mijn vrouw en mijn Congolese slavin.