It's weird, I never liked Howard but now I feel really fucking bad for him...

It's weird, I never liked Howard but now I feel really fucking bad for him, he went through all that shit just to die like that.

Any writers here that can tell us if it's good or bad writing? Was the intent of the directors just to use him as an emotional toy to make us shocked by his death or was it more than that?

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He was at the wrong place, at the very very wrong time.

It happens in real life. Gangsters will kill you if you happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. There are gangsters that will even kill you just to test out their gun.

Howard was very misfortunate. I think it makes sense for him to die though. After suffering from a very fucked up scheme at the hands of Jimmy and Kim, it'd make no sense for him to not appear in Breaking Bad trying to screw Jimmy over, so he had to go.

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its kinda depressing but not unrealistic. for the sake of breaking bad it makes sense, but it was also really thrilling too.

Welcome to BB/BCS, friend

People will call it bad writing but the truth it many people perish like Howard, at their absolute lowest. It ends up sounding so awful you'd think it was tacky or forced but such cruel reality is reality.

Howard died do to the bad decisions made by Jimmy and Kim. It's karmic retribution that they will have to bear forever.

So timetravel confirmed right?

There's no way now Jimmy doesn't know nacho is dead

Kill kim when

lotta people keep forgetting lalo's entire family was slaughtered. he's crafty but also super angry and super who-gives-a-shit wherever he goes. love you howard.

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You think this is bad?

he defecated through a SUNROOF

>After suffering from a very fucked up scheme at the hands of Jimmy and Kim, it'd make no sense for him to not appear in Breaking Bad trying to screw Jimmy over, so he had to go.
in other words they painted themselves into a corner.

all you really need to know is that at the end of the day, the show is about jimmy/saul
all the plotlines have to converge on him eventually and the consequences that come with them
is it good writing? depends on how bad you want the consequences to be

Season 1-3
>Howard Hamlin & McGill
Season 4-5
Season 6
>Formerly Chuck's

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There's not really anything in Breaking Bad that would clash with Howard's continued existence. He could have just been a lawyer who doesn't cross paths with Walt, and maybe Saul was just done with him completely.

Sins of the bad parents, in this case it was a gay couple.

What are you, one of those guy who has a NAMASTE bumper sticker?

I thought karma is applied after you die?

Karma can only be proportioned out by the cosmos, so I don't think we can say when or how it is applied.

Well I mean in buddhism I thought you suffer after you die based on your sins and stuff

Not a Buddhist, but I thought the suffering was that you were reincarnated in a lesser form.