Cast him

Cast him.

Hard mode: not you

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He's literally you

Daniel Day-Lewis, coming out from retirement for one last Oscar-winning role.

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My dad

The average Australian man

The video is a myth just like red rooms.

this guy's crimes were so horrendous the Philippines want to re-institute the death penalty just to kill him

Yes, red rooms are a myth. But that video is not. Otherwise he wouldn't be in fucking prison. I saw screencaps of it years ago

Red rooms are fake as fuck but DD is definitely real.

he's gonna spend the rest of his life in an illipino shit prison, lol.

Robert Englund

If they don't execute him first

why not just "accidentally" let the mob in and take care of it

The mob has a presence in the Philippines?

hello fellow ifunner

wtf is wrong wh*te ppl

nice try gaslighting me glowies but it's just an urban myth

What would glowniggers have to gain by convincing you that pedophiles are torturing and murdering kids?

You think child porn doesn't exist? lmao. It's a huge underground market

>*takes 30 second pause between each word*
Is this the true key to "good acting"

glow harder

how do chrsitcusks justify this with an all powerful, all loving god?

Maybe god doesn't exist but we should still destroy evil in all its forms in the name of Christ.

Idris Elba