Tell me about the girls in your country

tell me about the girls in your country

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Selfish and feminist as fuck. And a bit of Americaboo

Fat and loud


Don't think they'll like you. We have too many Germans and they're seen as regular people now

They need to be genocided and replaced with Korean women

they have vaginas

They what ?

they have vaginas

In general German girls don't value unsolicited cold approaches. In fact it even is considered downright rude to bother Germans of every gender in public without a serious reason like a medical emergency or something, the way it is completely ok and to a degree even expected like in the US.

The club and party scenes are also way less about hook-ups the way it's often the case in the US.

Yes, in Germany, people actually go there to listen to the cringe music. In bars they prefer to stick to people they already know instead of aiming to get to know new people as well. The only real point in time when approaching becomes acceptable at some festive event is around midnight when everyone is already at least a bit intoxicated.

Most Germans form couples the way they make new friends. Either through their extended(and already existing) social circle, i.e. a friend of a friend or by meeting people at some shared activity. In order to enter an existing social circle you have to be good friends with at least one person or you will constantly regarded an acquaintance at best or an outsiders at worst.

>In general German girls don't value unsolicited cold approaches
unless it's a BLC (Big Latinx Cock) user

Here, women don't go out to flirt. They go out to socialize with their friends. In clubs, they stand around in a circle, on the dancefloor, and dance in a depressing and sad-looking way. When you approach them they look shocked or even disgusted. After some time, I asked myself if I was the problem. Maybe I was unlikable or even repulsive. That really destoryed my self confidense.

Then I went to uni in Bongland for a year. I approached women in clubs and pubs and I suddenly had success. It made me realise that I wasn't the problem. I had so much success with women, more than I ever had with German women before. English girls, for example, love to be approached and don't give a cold disgusted look when you do it.

After I had proven that I'm not a typical lame German, I had so much fun with English, French, Dutch, Polish, Spaniards and even Chinese girls.
The German men, including myself, flourished and defrosted.

Typical situation in a pub: I made friends with a bunch French and Spanish people and we were dancing around. The German girls were always sitting together, looking bored, going home early. Whereas the German men were singing and drinking.

German women are not worth it and German men don't deserve this shit.

Yes, IRL dating is actually manages to be worse in Germany than online dating because if you manage to match with someone at least the making your intentions clear is accepted. Germany is hell for single men.

they bullied me at school

When you are a foreigner you are usually not expected to follow all social norms, so people cut you some slack and this is something you can exploit at times, yes. Similar how a Japanese girl would almost never accept a straight-forward Japanese guy but she will be more forgiving towards a foreigners whom she expects to not follow Japanese mating customs.

Yeah that happens pretty much everywhere

same here desu

They are demons in female fleshsuits. Stay away from them, for your own sake.

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they scare me

cut it out with strange welsh lingo, speak human english

NOOOOOOOO I was gonna go clubbing in buddha's pest in two weekends


It was over before it even started