Season 2 never

Season 2 never

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it was probably way too expensive for netflix to keep making
at least you know how it all ends

I literally finished the show today and was thinking this. Hivemind is at it again.

I stopped watching when they inserted gelfling faggots into one of the episodes. You can fuck right off with that degenerate shit, thank you.

sounds like you need to be butt fucked.

Thanks for reminding me

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It would be good if they remade the movie but you know they would fuck it up, so at least it is a good full stop to Jim Henson's legacy.

It doesn't need to be remade.

Too dykie for me

singlehandedly killed netflix

>It would be good if they remade the movie
>It doesn't need to be remade.
ya what the fuck why does everything need a remake? fuck off. the original is perfect.

real talk: netflix didnt drop the dark crystal because it wasnt popular/too expensive. netflxi dropped the dark crystal because of the explosion of anti-semitic skesis memes that that arose all over the internet as people everywhere made the connection between gelfling genocide and white genocide, etc.

This was better than it had any right being. Fuck Netflix.

Was it too on the nose? No pun intended.

If it ever gets picked up again, I believe a lot of the props will still be there. Incentivizing such.

It was good but it was very expensive to make and the ratings were shit

Blame audiences

Pic related to those not in the nose, I mean know.

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But Netflix said 35 million people watched it

funding obama and trannies > producing kino

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That’s what you get for making a general (cancer) for a show nobody watched and didn’t need one

I wonder how expensive a second season would've been when they already have so many things built.

People did watch it. It just was expensive and they rather shell out money for other trash.

Reminder SkekOk was best skek

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would you be happy if hypothetically disney+ picked it up?

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If they didn't interfere

This show is forever tainted by that discord tranny general and all those rotting vulture fetish freaks. Fucking Kill yourself.