Is it a dudebro movie?

is it a dudebro movie?

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it's a stigma male movie

more nuanced than nolan's trilogy. dudebros can watch anything really including the joker.

Jay is a homosexual and Mike is an alcoholic.

It's an edgelord movie for the edgiest of edgelords.

it's a sneedfeed movie. (formerly chuck)

Completely agree. Had to actually go home and connect the scenes together that contained character building for Bruce the night I watched it. Haven't had that much fun analyzing a movie in years. Nolan's Batman were fine but everything was force fed to the audience.

It's the black panter of chud

First time I've ever questioned RLM being retarded. Not because I even enjoyed The Batman, cause I hated it, but it coming off as a dudebro movie has to be the most retarded take I've ever heard

They didn’t watch it.

it's a "duuuuuuude what if we made a batman movie that's like, you know, fucking Zodiac or like you know the silence of the lambs and shit? you know all dark and batman is the detective, that'd be siiiiiiiiick dude"
it is what it is I guess

It was my favorite adaption up until the Riddler "reveal". Then it was gay as fuck.

The Batman is shit


absolutely not. they get filtered hard by it.

I know and that makes it worse

Attached: exaust.gif (600x338, 2.11M)

>looks directly at the camera
>"white people are the root of all evil and should be genocided and replaced"
What did Reeves mean by this?

Attached: The-Batman-Movie-Selina-Kyle-Catwoman-Zoe-Kravitz.jpg (1280x800, 57.54K)

He did it so that white girls would stop fucking 4channers to create even more incels to base his movie plots on.

>rich white men are le evil and MUST die
>continues to kiss rich while man

It's a pseud movie. People who like capeshit but pretend to hate it, when really they only hate Marvel (understandably). They like this as a dab against Marvel, and like Snydertards pretend it's some kind of elevated cinema. Really it's just as soulless and consumer driven as the Disney shit. There's not a single moment of the movie that feels like it wasn't designed to be as lifeless and calculated for broad appeal as possible. Nothing is even interestingly bad, it's a pure solid line of mediocrity that has the nerve to waste 3 hrs of your life.

I dislike Nolan’s Batman and Raimi’s Spider-Man alongside marvel’s. In fact the only capeshit I’ve liked before The Batman has been Burton’s and Days of Future Past.

>Days of Future Past.
Wait meant First Class, not the time travel movie.

And they really made a good job

lame movie with an mk ultra trigger attempt. absolutely pathetic.