Does your language have a term for university students for who need ages to complete a degree...

Does your language have a term for university students for who need ages to complete a degree? In German we say "Bummelstudent".

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>tfw had to stop my degree for 2 years due to cancer


We just say ikuinen opiskelija (eternal student)

wieczny student (literally eternal student) though it mainly refers to someone who takes up additional degrees for the purpose of deriving some benefits (it used to be common to do this to postpone military service, now that we no longer have it it's used for stuff like cheaper tickets etc.)

Yeah I was thinking "ikuisuusopiskelija".

estudiantes de universidad pública

We don't have that concept here because universities are too expensive to spend a decade in.

Never heard that


We have the same "eeuwige student" but it disappeared because of a education rework where you have to complete your first year with x points otherwise you're kicked off and cannot enroll again in the same program,.

>need to work while studying because politicians refuse to increase student funding
>take longer time to complete degree because working while studying
>politicians say "see, look at those lazy students, they don't even finish on time" and continue to reduce student funding
Can't win this fucking game.

Boro Bhai/Apu (older brother/sister). Even though they are the same year as you the senpai/kohai thing still holds. Kinda gay but it is what it is.

They still exist here, eeuwige studenten

Van Wilder (2002) literally was about a guy like that

lmao they also cut student finance in Norway? Here your country still serves as 'look what they took from us', but I guess that's not the case anymore, are you as fucked as us?

did you survive?

igavene üliõpilane

you guys are getting paid by your governments for studying? here I had to rely on my parents' funds, there are modest scholarships but they're tied to your academic performance

> 30 and studying

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