Marxism is le good

>marxism is le good

Attached: MV5BMmNlNDlmNzAtYWVjYS00NGJjLTlhNzgtODBjZmY3ZTY4OTY0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODE0MDY3NzY@._V1_.jpg (1631x2520, 809.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>child labor is le good

le ok

Kill kikes

This, but unirinically. It builds character

Marx would agree

Attached: 799642a0b9bbd01e681bbc1ed1ab3bc9c33e35484f5550f7610c2d6213e90627.jpg (900x593, 122.72K)

Engels bros...

Capitalism also. Objectivism and classical liberalism was amistake. .

Marx was jewish though

fucking kek...

gotta work on "On the RLM & Their Lies" soon.

No he wouldn't. Everybosy hayes niggers. He was still a kike through and through and the majlrity of western cicilizations peoblems can be directly attributed to his work.

Attached: 1629757614470.jpg (715x629, 76.56K)

There is a niggerwalk comic version of this, but I sadly don’t have it saved.

Attached: 1629753947130.jpg (1200x697, 216.79K)

do you have a stroke user?

communism existed before marx was born

>Tells workers to rise up
>Never works himself


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Would love to see it I miss old memes

Just a speedposting unapologetic phoneposter

Not like this.

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this one?

Attached: 12.jpg (680x798, 104.83K)

>August Dyel

it's not good or bad but it's right about many things

Marx was surprisingly redpilled on jews.

Attached: Karl Marx antisemitic quote #1.jpg (640x916, 152.64K)