Makes subpar shows kino

>makes subpar shows kino

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How did Danny end up the only cool and successful guy out of his cadre of Rogan and Franco?

What are you referencing?

Is The Righteous Gemstones worth checking out?

I love this nigga like u wouldnt believe

is gud

He's due a marvel solo movie

>Is The Righteous Gemstones worth checking out?
Season one was ok. Goes full retard after that.

Hate this cunt

>makes kino shows and films subpar

who'd he play

Eastbound was the only good thing I’ve seen him in and the show has like 2 seasons of filler

Literally everything he's ever been in

Kill yourself general faggot

Imagine getting filtered by Danny Mcbride, Holly shit user

these are the most retarded takes because he literally wrote and produced all of his shows

acts the same in every character

I hate this guy. I can't stand Jewish rednecks like him and Bernthal.

It's fucking hilarious and has soul, too

Grizzly, imagine mcbride in a bear suit fucking people up

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I didn’t I just said eastbound was great but that’s it