I'm so fucking done with Disney

I'm so fucking done with Disney

Nothing is sacred anymore

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ur a faget


Mud Brown and the seven mulattoes

Quit bitching over kiddie shit

She's pretty, I fail to see the issue. Also, it's never been established that snow white had to be white

why is she looking so scared ?

noooooo not my disney princess ahhhhhhhhh

Off White and the 7 People.

We know what they're after

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Snow white was always pro Ukraine

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Snow white is sacred lol

Hahahahahahahahaha this looks fucking terrible.

it doesn't matter

Big fan of Snow White?

>Also, it's never been established that snow white had to be white
>literally named for her pale skin
You cannot possibly be this retarded

The fridge body rat as the evil queen is far more insulting. This girl is brown but she's cute and had star quality in West Side Story.

>Snow Shitskin

will this movie even be called snow white?

enough about Snow White, we want the photos of the Evil Queen live action

Ukraine is pro-snow white

>snow white defined by her snow white skin
>don't cast an actress with pale skin
>could have cast a pale asian woman for diversity points but still didn't because it HAS to be a brown woman

I'm pretty sure it's intentional, it's too absurd otherwise.

Disney hates White people and wants them extinct.

for me, it's this hot mong

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>when you take the Hi Ho song literally


More like Coal Black, am I right?

>She's pretty, I fail to see the issue

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You'll still watch it anyway. Seethe.

wtf bros this is white genocide

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thats a different person

Why doesn't she have any booba