fucking FINALLY we get to host one

maybe the Russian invasion isn't so bad after all

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Ukraine only won out of pity

>>maybe the Russian invasion isn't so bad after all
Without the Russian invasion, we would have won clearly and hosted it anyway though. All the invasion did was ensure that Ukraine would steal our win.

>ah fuck looks like Ukraine isn't going to be available this year. now, is there another country that starts with UK....


>The BBC
uh hmm wow

people actually watch this faggoted singing competition unironically

It was kino until the Austrian tranny won


Why is UK still in Eurovision? Brexit means Brexit.

Isnt israel and australia in eurovision too? retard concept

urm no sweaty we are still part of the EBU try again :)

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Brexit means winning ergo we’re hosting Eurovision

We watch it to make fun of each other. It's good banter

not looking forward to cringe brit humor to be perfectly honest senpai

Do UKanons really think they've won?

We like to make a spectacle out of things. I imagine the production value will be huge

Brexit only meant leaving the EU, it doesn't stop them from being europeans.

it's fun to watch on Any Forums
but I very much watch it ironically, the songs are awful and every other cunt sings in english

Brits are notorious for never admitting they lost. When they lost the football euro 2020 finale against Italy a bunch or articles appeared the next morning why england didn't actually lose the final. Same with when Verstappen won and Hamilton lost, brits refused to admit their loss.

Most like the majority if not all of it will be centred around Ukraine and I imagine presenters will also be Ukrainian, they won it after all

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fucking seething already
relax fellas it's not till next year

next years eurovision goes to the champions
we have next years eurovision
ergo we were the champions
simple logic


perfectly acceptable usage

JFs are all unsportsmanlike cunts and we shouldn't have introduced them to our sports in the first place.

daily reminder that next year both australia and canada will be competing