ITT: Failed Oscarbait

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How do you fail at being
>drawn out

Every Spielberg movie post 2010

That movie about the crossdresser who got his assbeat for being a fag by "nazis" (one of whom is actually black in real life) and played pretend with his puppets

Ready Player One?

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Wtf was Zemekis thinking with that shit

lol i remember that.

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The French original is wholesome

the Jussie Smollett biopic?

It is. So this needless remake fading into obscurity fills me with joy.

I can attest to that, never saw the remake.

extremely loud and incredibly close

>George Lucas tells Jon Stewart new movie "Red Tails" is the first all-black action film.

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they also had a emphasis on the women in his life helping him despite that wasn't really a part of the real story

>extremely loud and incredibly close

My gf's farts.

i liked it

The BFG?

Pink Floyd - The Wall

>sasha baron cohen
checks out, carry on

HBO had The Tuskegee Airmen decades ago lol

It took 12 years to make

All Oscarbait movies are failures even if the Academy takes the bait.

People at least remeber this existed, if only because of the RLM meme

literally what part?

posting the funniest one

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