Do people in Muslim countries really not keep dogs? What's wrong with a nice dog?

Do people in Muslim countries really not keep dogs? What's wrong with a nice dog?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Shits everywhere
>Constantly drooling
>Attack guests
Also it is said that angels won't go inside a house with a dog inside.
The prophet said that anyone who keeps a dog other than for hunting and guarding livestock will lose two mountains worth of good merits daily.

Wash your dog
>Shits everywhere
Train your dog
>Constantly drooling
Only if you get breeds that do this
>Attack guests
Train your dog
>le angels
lol why do muslims openly show off their retardedness

Your good merits are decreasing as we speak. Fix that first.

literal incel religion

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You can keep your good boy points for yourself

IndoEuropeans = dog people
(((Semites))) = cat people

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They like being able to sleep without a whole neighborhood of these furry faggots barking all night.

why are firsties obsessed with them? they are slavish creatures far inferior to cats

>lol why do muslims openly show off their retardedness
lack of self-awareness

Egyptians and Greeks were into cats, jews don't like other living things unless they pretend they are from the same tribe as them.

Egypians are afrosemites tho

dogs are nigger of animal. simple as

Islam is the nigger of religion. Perfect match.

My dog smells like popcorn and I don't know why.

indog lover rebuttal is pathetic tbqh

works hard, can be trained, will never betray you

a good dog is the most loyal and noble being you will ever meet, they would literally die for you

enough about Indonesians

Beats me, I love a little dog.
I'm Chinese btw.

I live in a menoid infested area and some have dogs. It's mainly women with those tiny accessory dogs or men with pitbulls though

If your animal need to be trained to not behave aggressively. Its shit animal. If you are need dog because you need someone who loyal and obeying 24/7, youre shit human. Glad only few of them in my country

Why did you think they're called indogs?

Dogs are the most popular pets by far here. We also have our native dog breeds. I dont get the Any Forums meme about dogs.
I m not muslim but in islam there is the story of non believer woman who went to heaven for helping a dog and a muslim woman.going to hell for mistreating a fog

muslims just know