The Batman's Ending

Is it the best ending in a Batman movie ever?

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No because it's pushing genuinely evil themes and ideas about dealing with corruption by just reallocating power to other institutional powers/representatives (the mayor's "we need to rebuild faith in our institutions, by electing me :^)" spiel) instead of giving power to the people and actually changing things

Batman realising he can be a symbol of hope and a heroic figure instead of brooding 24/7 was good. His character in general when looked at by itself was really well done. But the overall themes and morals of the movie are despicable.

Not to sound like a queer or nothing, but I was moved by the ending

>instead of giving power to the people and actually changing things
what if i were to tell you that democratically electing officials is how the people are meant to have their voices heard? or are you one of those lefties that think democracy sucks because you can't cope with the fact that your positions just aren't popular? the solution is to develop better positions and legislation, not give up on democracy.

Kek I thought you guys were memeing. They really play Nirvana in this film?

Something in the way...... Ummmmmmmummmmm.

SOMETHING IN THE WAY OOOO is the only redeeming part of the movie past the two hour mark.


When democratic systems are as corrupt as they are irl and in the movie, the only way such drastic changes can be made is through the people acting directly and forcefully. There is no political solution as my good friends on pol would say.

The movie paints people who are willing to make a difference as weird "fringe" extremists who take things too far, which is okay because that's the sort of thing that does happen and people looking to expose corruption aren't all perfect and there are a lot of crazies who leverage such revolutionary movements to indulge in their own personal power fantasies.

But when you follow that up immediately with institutional figures like THE MAYOR leading the charge to "rebuild faith in institutions" - when the message SHOULD be "redistribute faith into THE PEOPLE" - that's just you undermining the effort to make real change in the real world and telling your audience to not think about these important issues and just let the people in power handle things.

The citizens were not given a voice in the ending of the movie. Not even Gordon who despite being part of the system we at least know isn't corrupt. Instead we had to listen to the (((democratically elected))) mayor give that speech. Why would it not be in her best interest to keep perpetuating that corruption?? The movie was a dog whistle to make aspiring revolutionaries look like incompetent psychopaths and to deter the population from ever actually worrying about things or taking a stand, because in the end big daddy government will step in to fix things anyway and we'll all live happily ever after :^)

Wait until you hear they play Linkin Park in Transformers

user the case the movie sets up is absolutely far more horrible than that. EVERY politician was corrupt. There's a scene where the entire government is showed as nothing but corrupt. Cops, politicians, the mayor, everything. And that is stated to be the status quo in Gotham for 20 years. Then there's this politician that the movie can't stop saying will be "real change". But it forgets that for 2 hours the movie has done nothing but show how corrupt Gotham is, and how the politicians use campaign for them to be elected. But for some reason they never show anything about this woman, nothing, outside the fact she's "nice", and she's meant to be trusted, ignoring the whole statement the movie has been given all this time about never trusting authority so easily. Who the fuck is this woman? How did she get so popular? How is she different from any of the other politicians that were also showed as "honorable good people" by the media? We don't know. It's never showed at all.

The movie falls for the same kind of propaganda it shows as evil.

I thought the ending close up on the rear mirror shot was kino. Then I saw the BTS it was filmed on a green screen FFS.

>Super serial noir film
>Fucking MMMMMMMMhmmmmmmmm starts playing over murky CGI backgrounds

I'm dying

>When democratic systems are corrupt
how is our system corrupt? because it isn't doing the things you want it to? the current system is an apt reflection of our country. we have an executive branch that is gridlocked by a contentious legislative branch. that contention is the will of the people put on stage since WE HAVE A DIVIDED POPULATION. it should not surprise you that our government acts accordingly. the goal of a democratically elected, representative government is for voters to choose wisely, vote out the ones that don't represent you genuinely, and for reps to come to bipartisan agreement to bring the will of people into tangible reality. that's the responsibility of the people and the power of your vote. just because you don't exercise that power nor influence those around you to have their voice heard doesn't mean the system is corrupt, it means you're a bystander. why would anyone care what you are if you don't do participate?

>The movie paints people who are willing to make a difference as weird "fringe" extremists
that's because gotham is an incredibly corrupt city. to refuse to play the game and uphold the status quo is extreme. that's the entire point of the first hour of the film. it's scene after scene of "oh WOW, it's even more corrupt than i thought!" they beat you over the head with how "special" a person has to be to go against the tide.

>But when you follow that up immediately with institutional figures like THE MAYOR leading the charge to "rebuild faith in institutions" - when the message SHOULD be "redistribute faith into THE PEOPLE"
her speech literally involves something along the lines of "rebuild faith in one another/your neighbors" which is a sound message to quell the divide among it's people. she paints herself as being a tool of the people, not their overseer.

not only are your views on politics juvenile, you didn't even understand a simple capeshit movie yet you think of yourself as being enlightened kek.

all this movie lacked was a good fighting scene
thats it

The nightclub scene choreography is kino. But u kinda know it’s not Pattison so it kinda wrecks it.

There is literally video evidence of men from external organisations gloating about how unstoppable they are and how they have infiltrated western democratic systems which have basically been reduced to a front for some fucked devil-worshipping shadow cabal comprised of pedophile bankers who conspire to turn the world into a dystopian hellhole for the average person and a kiddy-fucking paradise without consequences for the elites.

WB should have hooked you up with the starring role for this film instead of Pattinson because you must certainly be blind enough for it if after all that's happened in the last 10 years you still can't recognise that there is something seriously wrong with the world right now and we have been conditioned over hundreds of years to ignore it.

The people interested in running for political office do it because they are infinitely selfish cluster-B's. No man who wants to win an election is a person truly worthy of electing.

Not that user.
>not only are your views on politics juvenile
You say this defending The Batman? A movie which solution for everything, every corruption, poverty, and depravity showed in the movie, is electing a Kamala Harris copycat?
>N-not the solution
Yes, it fucking is. It's the closest "solution" to the real world's problem the movie can give because they still needed to make it a superhero movie, and the director clearly wanted his agenda to be showed in it. It wouldn't be bad, of course, if Kamala 2.0 had any kind of personality. But she doesn't. She's just there to say what the writer wants to say, not act as a character herself. She has no story, she has no "real" motivation that is explained and makes her different from either Bruce or the rest of the politicians, and proofs she will be better than them. She has nothing. The only thing she has is the first "debate" speech she gives, because to Reeves and his crew, snarky comebacks are real statement and motivations that proof you can do good.

I think the movie would have worked if Batman went after the mob from the get-go and did a good job, while Riddler tried following his example but went Knight Templar killing people who weren't that related to the mob, thus actually painting him in the wrong. The flood would make much more sense that way.

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Absolutely. I was hoping we would maybe see some sort of collaboration between them towards the end. Riddler as the extreme solution and Falcone (sparing his life) or maybe even Gordon as the status quo. And Batman needs to find his own path that isn't as crazed despite being tempted by Riddler. A devil/angel on his shoulder dynamic across Riddler and Gordon. The climax we got felt tacked-on and very haphazard.

shame it ends with a closeup on Batman so you see his ridiculous swollen Funko Pop head in broad daylight and it reminds you of how absurd the design is.

The Mayor got shot in the gut by a rifle and then at the end she's completely fine. That was some shitty editing.

the opening is better than the ending