Why dont they make film noirs and detective films anymore?

Why dont they make film noirs and detective films anymore?

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Lack of soul.

Too much of a male dominated genre.

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Would you really want them to given who they'd cast?

What would a zoomer detective look like?

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a private eye who smokes pot and plays fortnite

did you chuds miss the new Batman movie? It was film of the year and perfectly captured the grizzled detective/noir genre

>a private eye who smokes pot

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I mostly liked it but also found it a bit all over the place

Detective Conan is still ongoing

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I have an ongoing Call of ctuhulu game that feels exactly like that, we even put on Jazz music and everything.
Make your own kino user, take the pill

it was a mystery
but I would not call it hardboiled or film noir

put on some trip hop or ecm jazz to make it modern

>make it modern
But the 1920s are so kino....

>make it modern

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the genre is so codified now, they do pastiches only (The Batman)

>can it, toots

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Because this failed, making it obvious that people are tired of the genre

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>not greentexting it three times to suggest its being sampled and looped

He said film noirs and detective films, not blockbuster dumbass capeshit intended for 3 yr old manchildren.

>A grizzled private detective character? I dunno, cast Tom Holland or whatever

Fuck I'm disappointed in myself

thats just mean