White americans

white americans

Attached: 275CEF5A-541B-419A-BEBB-ECDE40E67D2D.jpg (1024x684, 224.58K)

why are white people shaped like... that? chunky garden gnome motherfuckers.

they all look alike

I have the exact same style as the 2nd from the right
Pretty skinny compared to most ethnicities, though the garden gnome comparison is undeniable.

It’s probably because they’re related

Left I meant

lmfaaaao they do be like that doe

Brownpipo be like

Green dress all the way to the right is sex.
I see a few good footsluts too

Every single person in this photo is happier and healthier than most of Any Forums will ever be, and it will make people seethe. You can see it ITT already.

Having a family this big is literally environmental terrorism.

I'm trans btw.

My god how do you have that many women in one pic that are all ugly

denim dress near the middle and the MILF on the far right aren't so bad.

Bro horseface and skeleton looking old bitch are "not that bad" meaning not completely fucking ugly, but still ugly

all rook the same to me

>chunky garden gnome motherfuckers
daaaayyumm y you do dey yts lik dat tho?

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Why are they not fat?

Chicano detected

I bet they're Mormons. Yuck.

> white
> americans
Lmao bottom text.

>The aryan proto-slav in question:

Attached: 61F7DDF7-C3E5-4BB5-8FBA-A59EAD2153D9.jpg (1280x720, 145.02K)

> aryan
Yes, we are. Be polite to your lords, mutt.

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