Pretentious garbage

What the fuck happened to cinema? Why can't we have anything sincere?

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How can you tell when something is sincere is something isn't?

What does it mean when it produced the best film 2018?

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Sometimes it's as simple as technical shit. 4:3 aspect ratio and BW are peak dishonest filmmaking.
Otherwise, it's just a feeling you get. You can tell a filmmaker knows he's making an "art" film, instead of just… making a film.

I think there's a difference between being insincere and being pretentious.

OP is being both insincere and pretentious

Perhaps, but they often go together. Being pretentious is already dishonest in a way.

i went to the theater and saw Everything Everywhere All at Once.
i've seen a fair number of A24 films, which are almost always good.
but i guess there's a 1st time for everything.

It insists upon itself.

>4:3 aspect ratio and BW are peak dishonest filmmaking
the aspect ratio played a massive role in the very specific cinematography of the film, I don't see what's dishonest about it.

Yes, surely A24 is to blame for the state of cinema. Not Marvel.
End your fucking life, you useless little idiot

>unironically using "perhaps"
I'm surprised you didn't crank out the old "nonetheless" and "thereinafter", you fucking pretentious ass

>4:3 aspect ratio and BW are peak dishonest filmmaking
Holy shit you're just fucking dumb then. OK.

It's pretentious and gimmicky as fuck. Every old master thought BW is a limitation, and would rather use color, but these pretentious assholes now just use it to stand out.

It's Norma Desmond-tier delusion, where some people thought the introduction of sound was going to kill cinema forever. Pioneers like Eisenstein and Keaton would kill to have the tools we have nowadays.

>the Lighthouse is a bad movie in todays production climate
Unironically rope yourself, retard

go watch your capeshit movies and stop talking about real cinema now

>A24 garbage
>real cinema
It's capeshit for pretentious zoomers.

Jesus Christ please just stop posting you idiot

>the Lighthouse is capeshit for pretentious zoomers

Oh, I'm sorry I insulted your "art" films. Watch a real fucking movie, retard.

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still better than the average reddit marvel movie

What a shit thread

Better at pandering to midwits maybe.

Jesus you're dumb as fuck. The onlyone who's pretentious in this thread is you.