Zero women

>zero women
>men act like me
>french are cowardly slimy bastards

Yeah, I'm thinking it's KINO

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*men act like men, fuck

The Bounty (1984) is better

I didn't get it.

Captain Blood is better

Not even close.

There is a woman but agreed, pure king film. Kino

>zero women
>men act like me

They should have filmed it on location in your bedroom

can a captain really assign another captain?

>le BOATS!!
>le manly men! No women!

It's almost as if incels think that's a personality. Like, I'm sure you get loaaads of pussy macho man.

hope she sees this bro

kek dilate, tranny

>replaced americans with french to not offend their largest market
Pretty much a form of pozz

The lesser of two weevils

Based. Frogs BTFO

There's women they're trying to fuck when they make port in Brazil

>Perfect girls don't exi-

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I watched this piece of shit and like... what was the point? I don't mean the plot but like, what do you even get out of it? It's so damn boring.

I’m an actual captain. I enjoyed the movie, but deadliest catch is the true boat kino speaking from experience

for me its Sharpe

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well that's a guy, so...

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